Dead Island 2 Best Weapons Tier List
Our Dead Island 2 best weapons tier list will ensure you only use the very best the game can offer. After more than ten years of development, Dead Island 2 is finally here, and it packs a lot of frantic action in your desperate attempts to survive the zombie onslaught. Withstanding hordes of hungry brain-eaters is not an easy feat. Hence, you will want to use only the best Dead Island 2 guns, melee, and throwables.

Best Weapons Tier List in Dead Island 2
In its essence, Dead Island 2 is an action-packed zombie-smashing adventure that aims to provide the player with a cinematic experience. However, that doesn’t mean that you don’t need to strategize and think about your plans in advance. Dead Island 2 boasts a variety of enemies with different types of attacks, behaviour and damage. Hence, you will need to be equipped with a set of different tools in order to deal with every threat efficiently. Luckily, the game offers a huge arsenal of weapons of all types. In our guide, you will find what we think are the best weapons in each class
Best Guns in Dead Island 2
Regarding the best guns to use in Dead Island 2, in our humble opinion, the Short-Barreled Shotgun is by far the best choice. It will easily blow the walking dead into smithereens; it’s relatively strightworad to master, and most importantly – it’s very reliable. Alternatively, the Auto Carbine is our second-best pick. It is a typical assault rifle, and you’ll need something fast for the “spray-and-pray” approach when a group of zombies surrounds you. An honourable mention goes to the Hunting Rifle for its immense raw power. However, it has a really slow rate of fire, which can be fatal in tense situations.
Best Melee in Dead Island 2
Shooting at zombies from a safe distance might be the best strategy, but beating them to death is where the real fun lies! And in this department, the Sledgehammer stands alone at the top. Truth be told, it is a rather low-mobility weapon, but it will one-punch most of the enemies in the game. And it simply feels satisfying to use it. You can feel the weight behind each blow and the damage it delivers when a good hit lands on a zombie. It might not be the most efficient weapon, but zombies will often come a bit too close for our taste, and that’s when the Sledgehammer will help them realize their mistakes.
Best Throwables in Dead Island 2
Finally, the best throwing weapons in Dead Island 2. In our experience, you will usually want to use throwables to soften the incoming onslaught of a particularly large group of enemies. And for that purpose, the Molotov Cocktail does wonders. It has immense area-of-effect fire damage, it continues to deal damage after the initial blow, and it works great as a crowd control tool as well. On the other hand, the Military Grenade provides more instant damage, but it lacks other utilities. That’s not to say it’s not a good option in the right circumstances.