CS2 Left Hand Command
Roughly 10% of the human population is left-handed. But even though this is a very sizable number of people, plenty of products and services still haven’t gotten around to catering to their needs. Of course, this includes most video games as well. Counter-Strike 1 was one of the rare games that included the option to play it left-handed. But now that Counter-Strike 1 has been updated to Counter-Strike 2 (and is no longer available to play), this opens up the question – is the left hand command feature present in CS2 as well? We have the answer right here.

Can You Change to Left Hand in CS2
At the time of writing this article, the option to change to left hand in CS2 is not available. In CS1, you could do this by inputing “cl_righthand 0” in the console commands. So if you are wondering how to change to the left hand viewmodel in CS2, the answer is – you can’t. Which is very unfortunate news for left-handed players all around the world and a very sad omission on Valve’s part.
Will Left Hand Viewmodel be Added in CS2
Currently – we just don’t know. While it is always possible that this is going to be added to the game in a future update, we can’t say for sure. Only Valve can do this, and if enough players voice their displeasure, then odds are good that this feature will make its way to the game, in some form or another. Of course, seeing as CS2 has only just been released, the odds of this are high. So hopefully, the devs are going to see that left-handed players are not happy and they will add in the CS2 left hand viewmodel for them to use. An even better way to implement this would be for an option to set this up in Settings to exist. One can only hope.