How to Craft Cards Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel
If you’re having trouble with how to craft cards in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel, I don’t think you’re gonna be the only one. The process of crafting cards in YuGiOh Master Duel is a bit complicated. Well, I guess unintuitive might be the better word. Don’t worry, though, because we have your back. Let’s learn how to make cards in Yu Gi Oh Master Duel.

How to Craft Cards in YuGiOh Master Duel
To craft cards in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel, you first need to accrue Craft Points, or CP. There are four versions of this resource, which correspond to card rarities. CP N is for crafting Normal cards, CP R for Rare, CP SR for Super Rare and CP UR for Ultra Rare. You can get these resources in three ways – completing missions, leveling up your Duel Pass, and dismantling cards that you don’t want. You do the latter by opening a card from the right side of the Deck menu and pressing the Dismantle button.
Now for actually crafting cards in YuGiOh Master Duel. Go into the Deck menu from the main menu and then select your Deck (or start a new one by pressing the “+” icon, both will work). In the area on the right, you’ll see all the cards available in the game. The ones you don’t own yet will be grayed out. Next, to craft cards in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel, select the card you want to make by clicking on it in the list on the right, then open the card info panel on the left. There, you’ll see the “Generate” button, so click it.
Finalize the process by choosing how many copies of the card you want to make, and click “Generate” again. And there you have it, that’s how you craft cards in Yu Gi Oh Master Duel. Important note before we end: crafting cards with a foil happens very rarely. No, choosing a card with a foil from the card list doesn’t in any way increase your odds; you’ll still more than likely get a basic version of the one you’ve chosen.