Cookie Run Kingdom Holiday Express Answers, Chapter 1-5

In our Cookie Run Kingdom Holiday Express Answers, Chapter 1-5 guide, we are going to show you a list of all the questions and correct answers that you’ll encounter in this limited-time holiday mode. Each chapter has a number of queries you’ll have to respond to correctly based on your deduction skills. So, let’s get right into it.

cookie run kingdom holiday express answers chapter 1-5
Cookie Run Kingdom Holiday Express Answers, Chapter 1-5

All Cookie Run Kingdom Holiday Express Answers Chapters 1-5

In the list below, you are going to see all of the questions you’ll get in Cookie Run Kingdom Holiday Express Chapters 1-5 and the correct answer(s) for each one. This is only for those of you that don’t care much for playing a murder mystery properly, And, of course, there are going to be SPOILERS, especially by the end.

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  • Chapter 1
    • Where is Linzer Cookie right now? – Suite No. 9
    • What is the Special Ceremony? – Tree-Lighting Ceremony
  • Chapter 2
    • What are the two objects that indicate the time of the incident? – Evidence #1 (A clock next to Old Jolly), Evidence #3 (Sugar granules next to Old Jolly has hardened and faded)
    • What about the two objects allows us to reach such a conclusion? – A Piece of Cake! Dessert Science, Evidence #1
    • What are the two pieces of evidence that point at the weapon used in the incident? – Evidence #1 (A candy cane smothered with strawberry jam), Evidence #2 (Old Jolly’s hat sticky with strawberry jam)
    • What is Vampire Cookie’s alibi at the time of the incident? – Watched the Tree-Lighting Ceremony along with the others in the Dining Car
    • Anything suspicious about Vampire Cookie? – This Cookie loves juice, coveted the fancy grape juice Old Jolly brought
    • What is Angel Cookie’s alibi at the time of the incident? – Watched the Tree-Lighting Ceremony along with the others in the Dining Car
    • Anything suspicious about Angel Cookie? – Noticed an odd look on Angel Cookie’s face when talking to Old Jolly during supper
    • Which statement was directly related to Carol Cookie and Old Jolly? – She was coming up with a poem inspired by the conversation she had with Old Jolly during supper
    • Which statements can testify that the three were together? – Vampire Cookie’s Statement, Angel Cookie’s Statement, Carol Cookie’s Statement
    • What is Creme Brulee Cookie’s alibi at the time of the incident – He was practicing in the Banquet Car
    • Anything suspicious about this Cookie? – Angel Cookie’s Statement, Carol Cookie’s Statement (from 22:00 to midnight)
  • Chapter 3
    • Anything suspicious about this Cookie (meaning Sparkling)? – Vampire Cookie’s Statement from 20:00 to 22:00, Carol Cookie’s Statement (After supper, she saw Sparkling Cookie dejected from Old Jolly refusing his sparkling juice)
    • What could confirm that Schwarzwalder was indeed in his suite? – Sparkling Cookie’s Statement (from 00:00 to 01:00, starting with “Halfway through the ceremony…)
    • What is a contradictory statement made by Royal Bear Jelly and the evidence to prove it? – Sparkling Cookie’s Statement (from 00:00 to 01:00), Royal Bear Jelly’s Statement (from 20:00 to 01:00)
    • Creme Brulee Cookie’s Suitcase Password – Classical Music Magazine, Creme Brulee Cookie’s debut peformance date (1224)
    • What is a contradictory statement made by Creme Brulee Cookie and the evidence to prove it? – Royal Bear Jelly’s Statement (from 00:00 to 01:00), Creme Brulee’s Statement (from 00:00 to 01:00)
    • What is a statement made by Creme Brulee Cookie that is false and what can prove it? – Evidence #1: Creme Brulee Cookie’s envelope containing his sheet music, Creme Brulee’s Statement (Have entered Old Jolly’s suite to find his sheet music)
  • Chapter 4
    • What is an evidence that contradicts Creme Brulee Cookie’s usual behavior? – Organized Books and Sheet Music, Creme Brulee’s Sheet Music
    • Royal Bear Jelly’s Drawer Password – Numbers in the titles of Linzer’s books – No (0), Twice (2), Four (4), Six (6)
    • What is an object that could melt in a heated room? – Piece of Ice Cream Cake (It’s made of ice cream. Better eat it fast before it melts)
    • What do you get from melting an ice cream cake? – Full of red, juicy berry filling
    • Why can’t the jam on the candy cane be Old Jolly’s? – Schwarzwalder’s Statement (Since he’s not a cookie, he leaks cherry jam, not strawberry)
  • Chapter 5
    • What is an evidence that can refute Royal Bear Jelly’s alibi? – Twinkle Lights Controller Package (Equipped with the latest technology, so you can light up your tree whenever, wherever)
    • What is the first thing about Royal Bear Jelly that raises suspicion? – Royal Bear Jelly’s Statement (He seems to have known Linzer Cookie and Creme Brulee Cookie switched rooms)
    • Why did Royal Bear Jelly sneak into the suite and what was he after? – Royal Bear Jelly’s Statement (An avid fan of Linzer Cookie, he seems very interested in her newest work, and Linzer Cookie’s Manuscript)
    • What did Royal Bear Jelly actually steal? – Creme Brulee Cookie’s Sheet Music (An envelope containing sheet music Creme Brulee Cookie will use for the upcoming Grand Holiday Concert)
    • What is the evidence proving the candy cane at the scene of the crime isn’t Old Jolly’s? – Candy Cane with Strawberry Jam (The handle of this cane is not worn or scratched + It wasn’t Old Jolly’s strawberry jam)
    • Interact with every object in the Dining Car, including the Menu and the Note, to get a bonus achievement
    • Why did Royal Bear Jelly have to melt the candy cane? – Strands of Royal Bear Jelly’s mustache (Seems it came from the melted candy cane)
Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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