Cookie Run Kingdom Featured Cookie in Kingdom Arena Explained
If you need the concept of the Cookie Run Kingdom featured cookie in Kingdom Arena explained, we’ve got your back. This is a feature or mechanic where certain cookies are randomly selected, and being featured gives them certain bonuses in the Kingdom Arena mode. That in itself is kinda cool, but more importantly, there are sometimes tasks that require you to play with featured cookies. If you don’t know what that means, you’re stuck. So, here’s how it all works.

Cookie Run Kingdom Play in the Kingdom Arena With a Featured Cookie
The featured cookie(s) in the Kingdom Arena in Cookie Run Kingdom have a slight advantage due to them being, well, featured. Every now and then, you come upon a task that requires you to play in Kingdom Arena with a featured cookie. For example, the latest one is in the Linzer Cookie tasks; it requires you to play with a featured cookie three times. What you have to do is go into the Kingdom Arena menu. Look in the top left and find the Arena Seasons button just above the Shop. Tap that, then tap the Featured Cookie button in the bottom. This will show you which cookies are featured and for how long, since they’re on rotation.
So, all that’s left for you to do is to put one (or all) of the Kingdom Arena featured cookies in Cookie Run Kingdom into your team and play a round. Do this three times (or however many times the task requires), and you should be good to go. At time of writing, the featured cookies are Sherbet, Snow Sugar and Pinecone, but that will change on December 26th. Not that it matters now that you know how to check which ones are on the list. In this specific task, you only have to play with one of these cookies; you don’t actually have to win, which makes things way easier. I mean, it feels better if you do win, but it’s not a requirement.