COD Mobile Controller Not Working Fix - COD Controller Connection Issues
Season 10 of Call of Duty Mobile is here. If you are interested in the best guns this season has to offer, we’ve made an in-depth guide about that. But, a problem which has long since plagued COD Mobile has also returned after this latest update – and many players are reporting that their controller is not working. If you are also having connection issues with your controller, our COD Mobile Controller Not Working Fix – COD Controller Connection Issues guide will provide you several methods that can fix this problem.

How to Fix Call of Duty Mobile Controller Not Working – Controller Connection Issues
There are several things you can try out to fix this. Though, before we begin, we have to point out that, like most fixes that depend on the player, these can stop working once the next update hits. After all, issues such as this depend on the developers, and only they can fully fix this on their end. With that out of the way, let’s see what you can do about this. If you want to have better accuracy in COD Mobile, it’s understandable that you would want to use an Xbox or PS controller to play the game. This can usually be easily done by connecting the controller and your mobile device via Bluetooth.
The first method you can try if your controller isn’t working is to quit multiplayer and then go back into multiplayer again. That often works. The second thing you can also try out is to go into your mobile device settings. Then go into the Accessibility tab, followed by Installed Services. In here, turn off the Select to Speak shortcut. After that, restart COD Mobile to see if that has done the trick. If neither of these work, you can also attempt to restart your mobile device.
For those who are still having issues, TURN OFF any “auto clicker” applications you may have installed. This fixed my problem.
when you connect your ps4 or ps4 controller first enter the game then once you are on the main page pair via wifi n select your controller of choice once the option pops up on the game page it worked for me I had issues for months even bought a brand new $1,400 phone smh
Any one have a fix for this yet? Just started for me I can’t look around and my gun fires automatically
after 7 months its finally working again
Did you change anything? It’s not working for me on android.
I recently bought a new tablet, got excited to play codm on it. Downloaded the game, did all the in game downloads, then finally go to connect my PS4 controller to play & absolutely nothing on my controller does anything at all. Now seeing all these comments & realising that maybe it’s time to trash codm for good.
My ps5 controller isnt working cant turn or crouch
Same here
So I am using an Xbox controller for a galaxy s10. The controller connects perfectly. But I don’t have any thumbstick,bumper, or trigger actions. I can switch weapons I can do everything but those controls. All my other controls are labeled except those. I have tried everything so far. Nothing works. Can someone plz help me out and help me understand why it is happening?
I forgot to add I can still shoot and look using my phone controls. But not from the controller.
Get ps5 controller
why buy a 90 dollar control for a free game especially when the game used to work properly for FREE
Don’t matter ps5 has issue too, so don’t waste ur money, buy a old phone with 11 on it not 12..pretty much! I have too.. Smh
My Moga controller is not working with android 21 fe. Very disappointed. I bought it today thinking that I would be able to play COD but nope in game it doesn’t recognise it at all.
I don’t get how how any controller can be incompatible, or how a company like ACTivision doesn’t universally support all controllers. It’s 2022. Fix your damn compatibility issues. They’re controllers not cloning machines or rocket engines. Someone needs to realize that a top game like COD should be compatible with every controller on the market. ANd that goes for these controller companies as well. Make your damn controllers compatible with popular games. I don’t know who needs to get their shit together but damn.
its definitely activision especially since the controllers have been working perfectly fine for years. this has benn since November how has it not been fixed yet.
This is clearly an anti-Sony, anti-android move on their part, at this point. Their loss.
I Have exactly the same issue, i cant turn and same buttom problems… 70us on a ps5 controller for nothing! Amazing
Just tried my ps4 controller on my xperia 1 mk II. NO luck… Right stick still doesn’t work and shooting is R1 not R2. Other buttons like triangle to change weapons also doesn’t work ect… Purchased the battle pass like a clown on a broken game.
Yeah my controller was working yesterday but when I went to play today my PS4 controller would connect but it wouldn’t work.
New season almost 4 months in and it’s still not fixed. I don’t see how they can’t fix this issue I have reported it multiple times and I’m pretty sure we’re not the only ones and yet nothing. The problem isn’t that the controller doesn’t connect that happens easily the problem is that none of the inputs are right and some of them are actually missing.
I have a samsung galaxy S9, tried it on the samsung note and tablet. Ps4 controller is not working but x-box one does….
Well last I heard from Activision was a week ago, saying there was no known issue and was still under investigation, game updates and still nothing worked right, but my phone just updated to android 12, and it all works again! Hurrah!!
Gosh i cant play to like i know they have other problem but 3-4 months now like they could be fixing it for me it still dont work and im on huawei P30 lite and i have ps4 controller
PS4 controller, can’t turn, can’t shoot, and buttons are all backwards. The same with the Xbox 1 controller also. Both use to work awesome.
Hey Guys!
Happy to inform that the problem got fixed on my device after the recent COD updates last week.
I have still the same issues.
Is it possible that my tablet doesn’t support anymore?
Talk me through pls?
nope its still broken. at least on android
its been 3 damn months how hard is it to fix something that wasn’t broken in the first place.
I tried and tried but nothing comes from it only three keys are working don’t even function well ???
Samsung galaxy s9+ seems to be the issue here because I use my galaxy note 5 and galaxy tab A it works fine
So basically they won’t help us.
It works after update 15.2 iOS.
So I emailed support again as there’s been no update for over a week and was told… “there’s still no update to the investigation” so I replied and asked…. “so do the acknowledge that there is a problem since its under investigation”…… And had back this unfortunate reply….
“There is no known widespread issue with controllers at the moment, no.
Thank you for the article!”
…..So looks like we’re stuck without and help!!
(the article part is this website and comments)
So I upgraded my phone this past week and figured maybe the PS4 controller would work. To my surprise it did, NOT. Only 4 buttons work and same goes for the Xbox One controller now……so I guess I’m playing CODM on my old phone.
I have tried it on my Sony Xperia 1 mkiii, a Sony xz2 and a Xperia 5 mkii, alk have the same problem
Had an email tonight saying there is still no update…. Getting on for 4 months now
I just tried the game and PS4 controller on a different Android phone and it works for me. I have a S9 so I think it something with the phone + the game update back on November.
It is still the same… the problem is not solve…. Anyone receive any good news?
I still can’t run only throw grenades n jump no shooting
This is the last update I received (24 December)……
Thank you for contacting us again at our Team and for all your cooperation. I have contacted the Higher Tier of Support once more and requested for them to give me an immediate update on this situation.
As soon as I receive an update from them, I will contact you right away.
…. Will post when they reply
Just an update. Controller started working for me about an hour ago. There was a small update, so I think that fixed it
The lastest I got from them is they are aware of the issue and it will be fixed with the upcoming updates. What does that actually refer to though? I’m sure since this season update did not fix the issue.
Still in contact with support, been passed onto another department, will post any updates as soon as they’re back in touch
Any newws on this guys? It’s been like 2 months I don’t k ow if I can call it withdrawals anymore but man I miss playing the game… I can’t deal any longer what are the solutions??
Nothing yet….
Shouldn’t this be easy to fix for them plus it’s been a while now?
Has the season 11 update, and still same none corresponding buttons on Dualshock 4, so emailed and was told….
…Apologies, there have been no updates as of yet.
If you haven’t heard anything after a week since the case entered investigation, please let me know…
So I’ll be emailing again in 3 days then it’ll have been a week, and will post their reply
It is still the same after update…. So disappointed the problem not solve after so long…
I bought an Xbox controller but I can’t run or shoot just crouch n jump….
Still no update nor changes as of now, stopped for a full month because of this issue and the first battle pass I missed.
Hey guys today dec 15th midnight season 11 is here.. im going to update when I get off work at 2am and see if the ps4 controller issue is resolved ??
I just update the game today and tried my PS4 controller. Sadly no change. Issue is still occurring for me.
Updated the new season.. same result!! My dam ps4 still not working properly.. wtf is going on !!!
same here, it’s b******t.. still doesn’t work
10/2 /22 as of this posting.. It’s still an issue and someone said decided of 21 lol! I just wasted money to get the revel 6 pro the right stick, and R1 don’t work still period! All methods tried, and still nothing.. Smh! So which update with is 12 will this be repaired?! Sounds to me like I need to go back to revel 5 which was perfect…just another lesson of new doesn’t make it better… What a waste smfh!
Been in touch with support today, and after a bit of back and forth and telling them everything I’ve tried like disabling the game, reinstalling updates, any everything listed on here… Got this reply…
“Thank you for all the information you’ve provided! I’ll have our technicians review your case in-depth, we hope to have an update ready for you in no more than a couple of days.”
I’ll post back if they say anything useful
Thanks for the update Mathew. Your reply sounds similar to mine. I’m glad they are planning to fix this issue in the next couple days.
Es hat nix mit den Controller zutun sondern mit den Entwicklern.. Ich habe es unter androit versucht, wo es zu den bekannten Bugs kommt.. Allerdings auf meinem iPhone was ja bekannterweise mit ios läuft funktioniert der Controller einwandfrei…
Are there any updates on this?? My game updated again n had to download everything but controller is still jacked SMH
No update on this. Suport closed my chat because it is definitely on their end. They said be patient. Next major update is the latest.
The controller issue is still not working for androids….. is there gonna be any kind of update soon to fix this issue please!!!!!
I was told by the support team it will most likely be fixed during the next major update. Which to me is when the Battle Pass ends in mid-December. Sucks but at least they say they are looking into it.
Omg u gotta be kidding me SMh.. S###’s depressing n aggravating AF man. I can’t even bring myself to try playing touchscreen BC I’d have to basically relearn how to play the damn game. Them saying “the next major update” us when it’ll be fixed sounds like laziness plain n simple. Someone should really be fired, n then another one hired to come in n fix this yesterday, forget the next major update. Unacceptable.. N just think of the money they’ll lose out on BC of this. Season 10 BP is the first one I haven’t bought since I started playing the game n that’s not counting bundles/crates I would’ve gotten thus far into this season
I feel your pain. It’s rediculous, but all we can do is wait and be patient.
Don’t feel bad, I bought the season battle pass before I realized controller didn’t work, but what they care, they already got my money… Lol
I’m having the same problem all my buttons are switched someone please fix this y is reload for me and x does nothing I found this a day ago.
It seems like it’s on their end. I talked to someone through the support early in the week. Tried 5 different methods to fix this issue with no luck. Then got a message today asking if it’s fixed now…..I told them no obviously. I love the fact that Xbox controllers still work and PS4 controllers work for Iphone, but not android now. I hope they fix this soon or I guess I’ll be buying an Xbox controller…
I’m facing exactly the same problem with my PS4 controller. And it happens the same on both my Huawei and Honor devices. I connected the same controller to my Samsung phone and it works as intended. Wonder if this is just happening to Huawei Devices.
And in my huawei devices I can’t locate the “installed service” as author mentioned about the fix on this issue.
Hope there is a fix on this issue very soon.
Im on a lg k92 5g so i dont think its huawei phones it has to be the developers they really need to get it fixed this was my only way to play a fps
I’m on galaxy s9+ n it’s doing the same.. I think its something with ps4 controllers
Me too I’m using a Huawei P30 Pro. Let me know if you get it fixed please
So go to your settings, go to accessibility, then go to installed services and turn off everything that’s running. Mine was my Grabber app for Amazon Flex. Turn it off in installed services and instantly my controller worked for the next match!! Apparently auto type clicker apps are bugging us out
Hey i dont see installed services im on android and im using a ps4 controller and i cant turn my buttons are all discombobulated and its making me lose my mind any help?
This absolutely worked!
They were already off still doesnt work
Uninstalled the auto clicker I had, worked like a charm
I’ve also tried everything that was mentioned and nothing is working. Hope the developers fix this issue ASAP!!!
I have the same issue here even went out and bought a new controller because I thought it was my controller but obviously it is not so man I really really hope they get this fixed like now
Dude, idk if its just me, but this seems like an issue/bug that, for 5he developers, should be pretty quick n easy to correct.. so wtf??? They’re really driving me with this bs bc it shouldn’t still be happening. U would think they would view this as a high priority n would be doing whatever tf it takes to fix something like this. Is it just me though, or has it seemed like nothing is being done on their part n like they aren’t even aknowledging that there’s an issue with their game that they are actually working on fixing??
I feel you bro… I also keep thinking the same thing I sent lots of emails to them and even put it in the comment section of their twitter and Facebook post about season 10, it’s like they’re not ready to fix it n it’s annoying?
Having that same issue as well everything switch around and can’t turn.. plz hurry an fix..
I am having the exact same problem
I’m having the same Problem after this last update.
I tried using your ps4 controller and it connects and everything just when I got to play my controls are all messed up like I can’t turn at all or circle makes you jump instead of x when the controls says x is to jump. My aim and fire buttons are switch as when I played before the update it was l2 to aim and r2 to fire now its the bumpers (l1 and r1).
Same thing for me, thought it wasy controller that was the issue, hope it gets sorted soon.
Did it work yet please
Same issue here. My gfs Xbox controller works. I’m guessing the update did something to PS4 controllers….
Having the same issue… Thought my controller was acting stupid but My settings for my controller are messed up and I can’t even turn. They need to fix this asap.
I am having the same issue, you found a fix as yet?
It’s still a problem, just tried to play and can’t turn at all. Controls are messed up. But it just seems to be COD my controller spazzes out.
I’m have the same problem I can’t turn they change the setting with the controller and it’s all messed up now they need fix it now
Mine are like that too
Same for me
I have the same problem and it sucks!
I am having the same issue with my ps4 controller but my only problem is I cannot look around
Hai, we have a same problem, my controller after renewal the move button can’t function, and the B and X button have a malfunction
It’s the exact same, is it the update or is it a bug or is it my controller
Same here, buttons are all backwards and I can’t turn around at all
Have you got a fix yet? I still have the exact same problem.
The same thing happens to me
Have you fixed this issue?
It’s now march 2022, still controller issue. No right stick movement, all buttons mixed up. They said keep checking for fix that was December. This exact issue happened a long time ago year or so. Was fixed in month or 2. So they no what problem is and how to fix it. Not fair as other devices have had fixes. Why so long. I’m using Sony Xperia I ll with PS4 controller. HELP!
Same problem and I have sunk hundreds of dollars to this game and hours of my life WTF fix the damn problem or ban the bastardes doing this to player’s do something
any update on this? is it still an issue? im having trouble with mine as of this morning.
Hi connected the controller true cabel. after a startup whit this connectet it works as normal
This worked after the update? Season 10. And on any device and any controller? All you did was use the controller cable to connect to the devices
Just noticed this problem today after update. Have already tried all you say above but no good!
Nope none of these worked. I have literally tried everything, its obvious it down to the developers .
Tried all the methods and still doesn’t connect hope they fix this problem cause I’m losing clan points every day I don’t play it sucks
Mine say it’s connected but it still doesn’t work