COD Cold War Floppy Disk Decrypt - Operation Chaos

Decrypt floppy disk task in COD Cold War is part of the side quest Operation Chaos. During this mission you should look for CIA agent Robert Aldrich and find pieces of evidence that will help you solve a puzzle and decrypt a floppy disc. The puzzle is rather hard and includes some math problems. We hope this cod cold war decrypt floppy disk guide will help you find a solution.

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cod cold war decrypt floppy
COD Cold Decrypt War Floppy Disk – Operation Chaos

COD Cold War Operation Chaos

Before you want decrypt a floppy disk, you have to collect three pieces of evidence:

  1. A Coded Message – During the first mission Nowhere to Run, if you don’t throw Qasim Javadia over the edge, you’ll automatically obtain the first piece of evidence. It reads as follows: “We discovered Qasim carrying this coded message. We believe it is intended for the U.S. spy ring, but no one’s been able to decrypt it yet.”
  2. Numbers Station Broadcast – You can’t miss this audio reel during the mission Brick in the Wall, since it is marked as evidence for Operation Chaos. “You did good finding this reel in that Russian base. It looks like a number station broadcast intended for the spy ring. Give it a listen and see if anything clicks.”
  3. Front Page of the Observer – You’ll find the third evidence piece during Redlight, Greenlight mission, in a bar. “Sometimes the Reds hide coded messages in plain sight. The CIA didn’t invest years of cryptography training into you for nothing.”

COD Cold War Decrypt floppy disk

When you investigate the front page of the Observer evidence some letters will be highlighted in red. Wright them down. It’s an anagram that you should rearrange and get a location name in Numbers Station Broadcast evidence. For example, my scrambled highlighted word was SBOTNO and it can be rearranged into BOSTON. Once you find the name of the city, write down the numbers next to it. This number is the code that the computer will ask from you. Don’t forget that red letters are random for each player and you should solve this anagram on your own.

Another part of the riddle is A Coded message, where some red and blue numbers will appear and two question marks between them. Your goal is to find a pattern for red numbers, and a different pattern for blue numbers. Once you figure out the pattern you can fill in the question mark spots with correct answers. Every player will get different numbers and pattern to solve. In my case for red numbers the solution was to add number 5 every time. So my red question mark solution was number 14.

cod cold war Operation Chaos

It was a little trickier to solve blue number pattern. My blue numbers were 7, 15, 21, ?, 27. As you can see, you get the second number by adding 8 to the first one. You get the third number by adding 6 to the second one. My reasoning is that to get the fourth number I have to add 4 to the third number. This all fit in nicely because adding 2 to the fourth number results in 27, which is the correct 5th number. This means that the solution to my particular blue number puzzle was 25. This makes the number solutions to the puzzle I got as 14 and 25.

Once you solve the puzzle and find the missing numbers, put them together to create a four-digit sequence. Once again look at Numbers Station Broadcast evidence and find the corresponding city to your numbers. This is the passphrase you must enter when the computer asks you for it.

Important thing to know is that everyone gets a different puzzle, but they usually follow the same math problem pattern. Red numbers usually require you to add a certain number to the previous one to get the whole sequence. Blue number puzzle can be different. You must add or subtract a number, then add/subtract a smaller number for the next number in the sequence and so on. In my case
7 + 8 = 15
15 + 6 = 21
21 + 4 = 25
25 + 2 = 27

As you can see the difference between each number descends by two. In the case of your own puzzle the game will show you the difference can be by one or three and it can be descending or ascending. The main point is that you should be looking for a math pattern to get the solution to the puzzle. Also, remember that red numbers and blue numbers always have a different math pattern as a key to the puzzle.

STEP #1: get code: Look at Front Page of the Observer and write down red letters. Then, inspect Numbers Station Broadcast and rearrange letters against the list of names on the Numbers Station Broadcast, and find the corresponding code.
STEP #2: get passphrase: Open A Coded Message and solve the riddle by finding RED and BLUE number. The missing red and blue number will give you a 4 digit number. Open Numbers Station Broadcast again and find corresponding name. Use this name as passphrase.

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Sometimes articles on our website are a team effort. Such articles are published under the Gosu Noob author and that means the thing you are reading was created by the whole crew.



  1. E

    im really stuck with this one can someone help?
    red 55, ?, 61, 67,75
    blue 39?, 49,54,59

  2. A

    Red 56,62,68,?,80
    Blue 79,?,85,91,99

  3. J
    Josh Gray

    I’m having issues decrypting the floppy disk

    Red 67 ? 81 88 95

    Blue 64 ? 70 76 84
    City is Helena

  4. A
    Alyssa Rafalski


    Red – 81 83 87 ? 101
    Blue – 37 ? 43 46 49

  5. M

    Hello, I’m having hard time to solve this encryption.
    Red: 09, ?, 23, 27, 29
    Blue: 05, ?, 15, 20, 25
    Thank you for the help.

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 17
      blue 10

  6. T
    Tyler Huff

    My code should be 3258 but the only numbers in the broadcast matching that are backwards so 5832. I’ve tried both with my correct city and nothing works.

  7. V

    I’ve matched everything but still get access denied.
    Blue – 77,?,87,92,97
    Red – ?,12,18,22,24
    I get 0482 which matches Pittsburgh, am I missing something? Thanks for the help you guys provide!

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Please read detailed instructions under TLDR; section of our guide

  8. J

    R:48 54 60 ? 72
    B:57 58 60 ? 67
    Pls help I don’t know why I’m still stuck on this

  9. D

    My red code is 05, ?, 19, 23, 25 and I got my blue and city

  10. S

    Red 39,40,42,?,49
    Blue 35,?,43,47,51

  11. U

    Someone please help
    red: 32 34 38 ? 52
    blue: 64 71 78 ? 92

  12. A

    Red 70,71,73,?, and 80
    Blue 47,?,57,62, and 67

  13. C

    Please help….
    Red 04 ? 18 22 24
    Blue 60 ? 74 81 88

    I have been putting 1267 Omaha in which I’m sure is correct but keep getting denied!

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      please read TLDR; part of our guide

  14. J

    The blue code is ? 09 16 23 30
    The red code is 43 45 49 ? 63
    Thank you in advance

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      blue 02
      red 55

  15. C

    Red: 85,86,88,?,95
    And I am just not getting this

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 91
      blue 61

  16. P

    Red 28,32,36,?,44

  17. P

    Red 28,32,36,?,44
    Blue 37,?,43,49,57

  18. N

    My red numbers:
    Pass phase: Memphis
    My blue numbers:

  19. E

    Red 22,23,25,?,32
    Blue 24,27,30,?,36

  20. S

    Nvm solved it thank you tho

  21. K

    Can you please help me with this as I really suck a math
    Red 09, ?, 23, 27, 29

    Blue 38, 46, 54, ?, 70
    Thank you

  22. R
    Ryan Johnson

    I suck at math and I need help
    Red: 52, 58, 64, ?, 76
    Blue: 10, ?, 24, 28, 30

  23. C

    My numbers are red, 55,63,71,?,87
    Blue numbers are 76,?,79,82,86

  24. A
    Andrew Henry Estrada

    My numbers are
    Red: 54 ? 66 72 78
    Blue: 59 ? 62 65 69
    Both numbers are 60 and I’m still getting access denied

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      please read TLDR; section in our article

  25. D

    My name comes up as Tucson and my Red numbers are 87,88,90,?,97 and my Blue are 81,85,89,?,97

  26. B

    I’ve tried the ones I think it is but it doesn’t work.
    My numbers:
    Red 58,?,64,70,78
    Blue 07,?,19,25,31

  27. A

    Red 38,?,44,50,58
    Blue 15,23,31,?,47

  28. B

    Red 58,?,64,70,78
    Blue 07,?,19,25,31

  29. H

    cant see the right pattern to save me.
    Red 41 42 44 ? 51
    Blue 10 ? 22 28 34
    I’m pretty sure blue is 16

      1. H

        it still says its incorrect
        I’m entering code for Houston and it is still saying invalid 🙁

  30. A

    Red 14 ? 28 32 34
    Blue 36 ? 42 45 48

  31. B

    Red 11 ? 25 29 31
    Blue 23 31 39 ? 55

  32. M

    Thank you and what is blue?

    1. M

      I believe its 19 but everytime I exerted that code plus my atlanta code it just denied me access.

  33. H

    Red: 86, 87, 89, ?, 96
    Blue: 45, 51, 57, ?, 69

  34. W
    Wayne Fischer

    Red – 33,41,49,?,65
    Blue – 11,?,25,29,31

  35. W
    Wayne Fischer

    Blue 11, ?, 25, 29, 31
    Red 33, 41, 49, ?, 65

  36. J

    My math is not good heh.
    Red: 25 26 28 ? 35
    Blue: 10 ? 16 19 22
    Newspaper has Tucson

      1. A

        Code on newspaper is Raleigh, and everytime denied please help

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          check out the numbers again, something is wrong with the blue sequence.

  37. M

    Can someone help me out please keep thinking ive got it then keeps being denied
    Red is 09,?,23,27,29
    Blue is 04,09,14,?,24
    Code is definitely atlanta

  38. A

    Red 51, ?, 54, 57, 61,
    Blue 22, ?, 36 , 43, 50
    Thank you for any help!

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 52
      blue 29

  39. Z

    RED – 35 ? 38 41 45

    BLUE – 83 ? 89 92 95

    I know Blue is 86 what the heck is red?

    Help your boy.

  40. K

    I already Asked ages ago I’m still stuck on it what do I put for the computer

  41. C
    Carlos Marrero

    i’m having trouble with my sequence
    red 21, 24, 27, ? , 33
    blue 35, 36, 38, ? , 45

    thank you

  42. D

    Thank you for doing this, i can’t figure it out, my last resort.
    Red: 49, 57, 65 ? 81
    Blue: 47, ? , 53 , 59 ,67

    Observer spells Seattle.. Hope you can help a fool out.

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 73
      blue 49

  43. S

    Red 06, ?, 20, 24, 26
    Blue 43, 49, 55, ?, 67

  44. J

    red: 08,?,22,26,28
    blue: 15,?,31,39,47

    my pass is memphis, im lost though because blue is 23 i believe and red is 16 but when i put 1623 memphis it doesn’t work at all

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      please read TLDR; part of our guide

  45. W
    What am I doing wrong

    I have oakland and my red numbers are as followed 62,64,68,?, 82
    I got 74 from that
    And then my blue numbers are as followed 47, ?, 63, 71, 79
    I got 55 from that … But I entered as followed
    Looked at the broadcast to the new corresponding numbers I got from the coded message and these numbers correlate to orlando rather than oakland. Oakland’s numbers according to the broadcast is 1936 so am I doing this wrong oris there a bug like I’ve been reading in the other comments?

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      please read TLDR; part of our guide

  46. B
    Bryan A.

    I did my numbers which are red is 94 and blue is 96 along with found seattle. When I was typing down both the numbers and the city, it shows that I have access denied, even though I got the right numbers and the city.

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      please read TLDR; part of our guide

  47. C

    red 32 39 46 ? 60
    blue 56 ? 59 62 66

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 53
      blue 57

  48. A

    My red numbers are 62,?,76,83,90
    My blue numbers are 61,?,64,67,71
    If you can help thank you

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 69
      blue 62

  49. C
    Caden Balint

    I got the red, but I can’t figure out my blue

    Red is 00, ?, 10, 15, 20. So I came to the conclusion that my red is five

    However my blue is a lot more tricky

    46, ?, 49, 52, 56

    And my city was Austin

      1. J
        Jono lea

        Blue numbers are
        Red numbers are
        and the name on the paper is Helena
        Please help me

  50. S
    Shatiq D Adams

    Red : 14,?,28,32,34
    Blue : 05, ?, 15, 20, 25

  51. C

    I have –
    Red: 27, 31, 35, ?, 43
    Blue: 33,,? 36, 39, 43

    I can’t figure it out.

  52. B
    Brycen Winters

    I need help
    Red: 39, 40, 42, ?, 49
    Blue: 62, ?, 68, 71, 74

      1. B
        Brycen Winters

        And blue is 65?

  53. M

    Red: 28 ? 40 46 52
    Blue: 66 68 72 ? 86

  54. R
    Russ gray

    Blue. 05 ? 21 29 37.
    Red 40 42 46 ? 60


  55. M

    Can u help me out
    Red: 28 ? 40 46 52
    Blue: 66 68 72 ? 86

  56. K

    What do I put for the computer

  57. S
    Seyth Miranda


  58. S

    I need help plz.
    Red 04 ? 11 13 14
    Blue 69 74 79 ? 89

    I got 08 84
    Check list 0884 = Boise enter it and got denide

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      numbers are ok

      1. S

        Ok good and newspaper show Denver so kod 0884 Denver wood work but it dosent. ?

  59. L
    Lance bunn


    61,?, 73, 79, 85

      1. L

        red 74
        should blue be 61 or 67 cause both those options are saying acess denied

      2. L

        my 2 choices are
        Omaha: 7467
        Raleigh: 7461

        ive tried both but they dont work

  60. Z

    I need help comrades my red is 75,?,83,87,91
    Blue is 21,?,35,39,41 im sure its Houston for me on the newspaper

  61. D



    I believe I got red really need help on blue.

  62. J
    Josh miller

    Need help with my numbers they are as follows

    Red 19, 20, 22, ?, 29,
    Blue 77, 82, 87, 92, ?

  63. D
    David Kettering

    Red 22,30,38,?,54
    Blue 8,16,22??,28

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 46
      blue 26

  64. K

    What do I put for the computer password an that

  65. A

    Red: 53, ?, 56, 59, 63
    Blue: 85, 88, 91, ?, 97

    Can someone help

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 54
      blue 94

  66. M

    Red 27,29,33,?,47 blue 46,?,58,64,70 my letters are ONSADMI

  67. M

    Red- 76,78,82,?,96

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 88
      blue 13

  68. E

    Need help
    Red 10,?,20,25,30
    Blue 73,?,76,79,83

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 15, blue 74

      1. M

        Can you help me out thank you! My red is 27,29,33,?,47 and the blue is 46,?,58,64,70 can you also help me rearrange the letters O,N,S,A,D,M,I my originally thought I think you spell’s Madison but I do not know much help will be appreciated thank you

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          red 39
          blue 52,
          Please read our detailed explanation under TLDR; section in this article

  69. K

    These are my numbers an my tv station is Las Vegas when I put 2293 an Las Vegas in it says access denied an my number are

  70. K

    I forgot to say wa colours
    Red: 31 45 52 59
    Blue: 22 25 28 32

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 38
      blue 23

      1. K

        What do u put for the code an passphrase

  71. K

    My numbers are 31,22,?,?,45,25,52,28,59,32

  72. B

    Hey mate.
    Red: 40, ?, 52, 58, 64
    Blue: 86, 87, 89, ?, 96
    My article spells out Seattle. I’m pretty sure the answer to the code is 4692 but when I use that code and then put Seattle in the computer it says access denied. Don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      please bread detailed instructions under TLDR; section

  73. N

    i need help mine is red= 52,?,58,64,72
    blue= 16,21,26,?,36

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 54
      blue 31

  74. B

    The paper say Seattle, but I’m stuck with my codes:
    Red: 82, 84, 88, ?, 102
    Blue: 68, 75, 82, 89, ?

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Red 94
      Blue 96

  75. K

    Hello I need help
    Red numbers -26 27 29 ? 36
    Blue numbers -50 ? 64 71 78

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 32
      blue 57

  76. A
    Andy Sam

    Pls help
    Red: 53 ? 61 65 69
    Blue: 82 84 88 ? 102

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Red 57
      Blue 94

  77. D
    Doc Holiday

    Red 19,?,33,37,39
    Blue 58,63,68,?,78

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Red 27
      Blue 73

  78. S

    Red : 24 ? 38 42 44
    Blue : 34 ? 48 55 62

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Red 32
      Blue 41

  79. X
    Xavier Smithers

    Hey my red code is 23, ?, 37, 41, 43
    Blue is 25, ?, 35, 40, 45
    Which I believe to be is 30 for blue but I can’t figure out red for some reason and my city is Denver.

  80. R
    Reynold Obas

    My red is 08, 11, 14, ?, 20
    Blue ?, 09, 15, 19, 21
    Help please

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 17
      blue 01

  81. A

    Red: 70, 72, 76, ?, 90
    Blue: 60, ?, 76, 81, 86
    Please help

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 82
      blue 71

  82. N

    Hi I was wondering if someone could help me with mine? It would be a massive help !
    Red 00 ? 14 21 28
    Blue 67 ? 73 79 87

    Location i got was Oatlands
    Thank you to who ever can ✌?

    1. N


      Location is Oakland ?

    2. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 07
      blue 69

  83. S
    Sam Hollenbeck

    Red 42 ? 52 57 62
    Blue 78 80 84 ? 98

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 47
      blue 90

  84. M
    Maikel van dinteren

    Hello my red codes are 01,?,07,10,13
    Blue codes are 81,82,84,?,91
    Anyone help? I got newark from the news paper

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 04
      blue 87

  85. N
    Neil Cordeweners

    Hello my red codes are ?, 09, 15, 19, 21
    blue arte 21,27,33,?,45

    what is the answer? I got Orlando from the paper.

    1. N
      Neil Cordeweners

      Can anyone help me please?

  86. I

    red is 66 74 82 90 ?
    blue is 7 11 14 ? 17
    i mostly need help with blue since im stuck on that part of it and im pretty sure red is 98. thanks for helping

  87. J
    Jesus frausto

    Blue 08,?,16,20,24
    Red 80,?,83,86,90

    Someone help please

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      blue 12
      red 81

  88. J
    Jae France

    38 47 39 ? 41 57 ? 62 48 67

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red? blue?

  89. G

    77 ? 80 83 87 red
    23 ? 37 44 51 blue
    anyone help?????

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 78
      blue 30

      1. E

        Red: 80 ? 86 92 100
        Blue 20 ? 34 41 48

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          red 82
          blue 27

  90. 7
    7 provincieen

    red : 25 27 31 ? 45
    blue : 73 ? 83 88 93

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 37
      blue 78

  91. T
    Trapa Guevara

    So Only I can’t get no help or you don’t see my post

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      you haven’t read the article at all.

  92. J

    Mine is red: 44,50,56,64

    Blue: 38,50,56,62

    Can’t figure it out for the hell of me

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      I need question mark positions as well

  93. T
    Trapa Guevara

    I got Red 40? 48 52 56
    Blue : 09 17 23 ? 29

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Hi Trapa, if you expect someone to solve your problem you have to learn to be polite and patient.

      1. T
        Trapa Guevara

        What are you talking about I asked yesterday but you skipped rite past me ?

      2. T
        Trapa Guevara

        But it’s ok u being weird I figured it out on my own

  94. N
    Neil Cordeweners

    Hello can you help me.
    My red codes are ?, 09,15,19,21
    Blue codes are 21,27,33,?,45
    City in newspaper was Orlando

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 01
      blue 39

  95. L


    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 55
      blue 03

  96. J
    joe crow

    r14 b30 r15 b? r17 b42 r? b48 r24 b54

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 20, blue 36

  97. G

    My red sequence is 47 52 57 ? 67 I think the ? Is 62

    My blue is 02 ? 16 20 22

    And the anagram I got Las Vegas

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 62, blue 10

  98. T

    Were to find the pass phrase I got code 4525

  99. M

    red numbers are 76 81 86 91 ?

    blue are 55 ? 58 61 65

    been trying to do this for hours and cant seem to get it please help lol

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 94
      blue 56

      1. B

        Red. 65-?-68-71-75
        Blue. 73-76-79-?-85

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          red 66
          blue 82

          1. N

            My blue numbers are 40,44,48,56
            My red numbers are 60,62,66,80
            Been trying to figure it out for days now even called my parents and asked then for help. Definitely got me thinking tho can anyone help me with this?

          2. G
            Gosu No0b

            red 72
            blue 52

  100. S

    Red 59 64 69 ? 79
    Blue 05 ? 19 23 25

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 74
      blue 13

  101. M

    76 81 86 91 ? red numbers
    55 ? 58 61 65 blue numbers


    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 96
      blue 56

  102. C
    Clebreon Mclemore


    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 22
      blue 50

      1. J

        Red : 61, 66, 71, ?, 81
        Blue: 74, ?, 80, 86, 94

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          red 76
          blue 76

          1. J

            That’s what I got and I’m still not getting it right.

  103. D
    Dominique Jackson

    Red: 56, 59, 62, ?, 83, 68
    Blue: 77, ?, 80, 83, 87


    1. D

      Red: 56, 59, 62, ?, 68
      Blue: 77, ?, 80, 83, 87

      Sorry for the mistake!!!

      1. G
        Gosu No0b

        red 65
        blue 78

    2. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 65
      blue 78

  104. C

    Need help

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 22
      blue 50

  105. N
    Nondo armadillo

    I only need to find the red sequence
    Red: 04-?-11-13-14

  106. S

    Red 43 ? 53 58 63
    Blue 39 ? 42 45 49

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 58
      blue 40

  107. J

    Can’t figure out the numbers. Red is 79,84,89,94,?,30 and blue is 10,?,24,28,30

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 99
      blue 18

      1. N

        I keep leaving comments and someone is taking them down so that’s cool thanks for the help.

  108. D

    My numbers are
    Red : 07 21 25 27
    Blue: 46 54 62 78
    The letters spell Tucson

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      question marks missing

      1. D

        Yeah I guess that would help
        Red: 07 ? 21 25 27
        Blue: 46 54 62 ? 78

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          red 15
          blue 70

  109. C

    Red- 84. 85. 87. ? 94
    Blue- 83. ? 91. 95. 99

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 90
      blue 87

  110. B
    Benjamin Foley

    My numbers are 65,64,66,71,68,78,?,?,75,92
    R. B. R. B R. B. R B R. B
    The r and b mean red and blue. Could someone help me out please and thank you

  111. C
    Chris Montgomery

    R 70 76 82 ? 94
    B. 09. ? 23 27 29

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 88
      blue 17

  112. D


    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 62
      blue 79

      1. X

        a coded message

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          red 73
          blue 21

  113. E

    My coded message for red is 65 ? 68 71 75 and for my blue 44 48 52 ? 60 I really need help

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 66
      blue 56

  114. K
    Karl hammons

    Red 58 ? 61 64 68
    Blue 64 72 80 ? 96

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 59
      blue 88

  115. K

    I don’t get my number… I’m not a math person

    Red: 81 82 84 ? 91

    Blue: 38 ? 52 59 66

    Thank you to whoever can solve this

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 87
      blue 45

  116. C

    Red = 03, ? , 17 , 21, 23
    Blue = 51, ?, 59, 63, 67
    Thank you.

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 11
      blue 55

  117. C

    Red: 61 62 64 ? 71
    Blue: 46 54 62 ? 78

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 67
      blue 70

  118. J

    Red: 25, ?, 41, 49, 57
    Blue: -4, ?, 03, 05, 06

    Thank you in advance!

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 33
      blue something is wrong with this sequence

  119. D

    Hi my numbers are red 31 ? 45 52 59 which i work out as add 7 which should give me 38 blue 49 51 55 ? 69 which I work out as 61 which should give me 3861 and code name charlotte but its not working please help

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Please red a detailed explanation under TLDR; section

  120. J

    Thank you

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 60
      blue 13

  121. A

    Red: ? 16 22 26 28
    Blue: ? 10 16 22 28

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 08
      blue 04

      1. A

        Sorry, i kept refreshing the page.

  122. L

    Red 60 ? 72 78 84
    Blue 84 86 90 ? 104

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 66
      blue 96

  123. S
    scott Somerville

    Please help??

    R 30 B 82 R? B? R36 B85 R39 B88 R42 B92

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 33
      blue 83

  124. S

    My Red numbers are 52, 57, 62, ?, 72,
    My Blue numbers are 12, 20, 26, ?, 32
    My newspaper letters are ORHETLTCA,
    I believe the missing numbers are red 67, and Blue 30,
    And the City is charlotte, but when i put in the numbers for charlotte and the City for 6730 it says access denied, i assume i got something wrong.

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Please take a look at TLDR; part of this article, you’ll find detailed explanations there

  125. A

    Red ? 16 22 26 28
    Blue ? 10 16 22 28

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 08
      blue 04

  126. A

    Red : ? 16 22 26 28
    Blue : ? 10 16 22 28

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 08
      blue 04

  127. R
    Rachel Fyson

    Red numbers : 57, 65, 73, ? , 89 . I worked this to be 8
    Blue numbers : 62, ?, 65, 68, 62 . I worked this 1,2,3,4 . . .
    Im stuck please help

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      You can find all details in TLDR; section

  128. M

    My city is Memphis
    My blue numbers are 41,42,44,?,51
    My red are 62,70,78,86,?51
    Which would mean the pass phase is 4794 but it’s not working

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      please read the TLDR; section in this article

  129. C
    camilla johnson

    Ok so i put in all the codes to the numbers and both coties the numbers match up to and im still not getting in… ive read the tdlr and its still not working what now?? ?

  130. R

    Red: 08, ?, 22, 26, 28

  131. C
    camilla johnson

    Please help ive been wracking my brain for hours trying to figure this out
    Red numbers- 19 20 22 ? 29
    Blue numbers- 44 ? 60 68 76
    City is oakland

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 25
      blue 52

  132. J
    jonathan Razon

    red 03,?,15,21,27
    blue 38,40,44,?,58

    plz help lol been stuck me not smart for this lol

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 09
      blue 50

  133. R

    My coded message says Red: 22, ?, 36, 40, 42 Blue: 70, ?, 78, 82, 86. Combined: 22,70,?,?,36, 78,40,82,42,86

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 30
      blue 74

      1. Z

        I need help as well red was 75,?,83,87,91
        Blue was 21,?,35,39,41 im sure my city is Houston

  134. L

    Red 04 ? 20 28 36
    Blue 22 ? 36 40 42

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 12
      blue 30

  135. K

    My numbers are:
    Red 02, ?, 12, 17, 22
    Blue ?, 06, 09, 11, 12
    So if i am correct?

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Red 07
      Blue 02
      Please read detail instruction in out guide under the TLDR; section

  136. J

    My numbers are,
    Red- ? 04 07 10 13
    Blue- 10 ? 17 19 20
    Please help, I’m so stuck

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Red 01
      Blue 14

  137. M

    red 3, ?, 17, 21, 23
    blue 6, ?, 18, 24, 30

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Red 11
      Blue 12

  138. V

    Red: 44,48,52,?,60= 56
    Blue: 90,91,93,?,100=96
    This is what I’m doing but it doesn’t work. Any help appreciated

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Now that you have numbers, please read our TLDR; section in this post.

  139. J
    Joseph Augustitis

    R 46 ? 56 61 66
    B 45 46 48 ? 55
    Thank you

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Red 51
      Blue 51

  140. A

    Red numbers are 68, ? , 74, 80, 88
    Blue numbers are 08, ? 18, 23 28
    The difference between the blue is 5 so I got 13?
    Station I got was Tucson 5181

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Red 70
      Blue 13

  141. H

    I’ve done it thank you for the guide

  142. J
    Jordan Milazzo

    Red 13 ? 29 37 45
    Blue 57 58 60 ? 67


    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 21
      blue 63

  143. Z

    Red: 73, 75, 79, ??, 93
    Blue: 08, ??, 22, 29, 36

    Apparently it is not 85 and 15. Thanks

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      The numbers are correct. Read the TLDR; section to find out what you have to do.

        1. H

          I got my numbers correct and my city is Newark but apparently it’s wrong

  144. A

    Can you help plz
    Letters ….NTHUSOO. = Houston = 6332
    Numbers…… red, 61,66,71,?,81. =76
    Blue….57,?,63,69,77. = 59.
    I’ve been putting 6333 as passcode and passthrase 7659
    And it’s saying no what am I doing wrong ? Plz

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Please read the TLDR; section of this guide.

    2. A

      It’s ok I worked out what I done wrong Thanku by reading your guide, I needed to enter the name not the numbers ?

  145. M

    Red 44, 47, 50, ?, 56,
    Blue 34, 36, 40, ?, 54

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 53
      blue 56

  146. G

    Red: 46,?,62,70,78
    Blue: 54,?,57,60,64

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 54
      blue 55

  147. G
    Gabriella Murphy

    R62 B82 R? B? R74 B85 R80 B88 R86 B92
    Having trouble figuring it far we think red is +6 and blue is ascending order.

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 68
      blue 83

  148. E

    Red : 02 ? 16 20 22
    Blue : 53 ? 65 71 77

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 10
      blue 59

  149. H

    My numbers are: Red 12,18,24,?,36
    Blue 60,62,66,?,80

    My letters spelled Detroit

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 30
      blue 72

  150. W

    RED 11 ? 25 29 31
    BLUE 01 ? 17 25 33

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 19
      blue 09

  151. P

    Red- 71, 77,83,?,95
    Blue- 33, ?, 36, 39, 43

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 89
      blue 34

  152. R

    Red 61,68,75,?,89
    Blue 73,,75,79,?,93

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 82
      blue 85

  153. J

    Red numbers- 43 45 ? 49 63
    Blue numbers- 10 26 34 42

  154. S
    Samuel Pahcoddy

    My red numbers are
    Blue numbers are

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 69
      blue 50

  155. L

    Could I get some help
    Red 60,68,76,-,92
    Blue 04,-,16,18

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 84
      blue you didn’t write all bumbers

  156. R

    R17 ? R20 R23 R27
    B64 ? B70 B73 B 76

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 18
      blue 67

  157. Z
    Zen Stone

    Do you have someone on Xbox to help me if you do add me @ZenStone0514

  158. V

    Could use a little help here

    Red: 61,?, 64, 67,71
    Blue: 27,30,33,?, 39
    Got Miami for pass phrase.

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 62
      blue 36

  159. R

    Please could help a simpleton!

    Red 44,45,47? 54
    Blue 34 ? 40, 43, 46

    Many thanks

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 50
      blue 37

      1. E

        My coded message is 65 44 ? 48 68 52 71 ? 75 60 I need help

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          I have to know blue red numbers

  160. B
    Boosted Saber

    It still says access denied my pass code is Seattle but its not going through

  161. H

    Red numbers : 53, blank, 59,65,73
    Blue numbers: 3,11,19,blank,35

    1. H

      News paper was Newark

    2. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 55
      blue 27

      1. H

        My city is Newark

  162. R

    Red: 51,58,65,?,79
    Blue: 36,?,42,48,56
    I calculated blue to be 38 and red 72 but does not match up.

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 72
      blue 38

  163. K
    Kevin griffin

    I need help please my red are 13,27,31,33 and my blue are 20,30,35,40

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 21
      blue 25

  164. S

    Please help
    Red numbers 71,?,74,77,81
    Blue numbers 29,?,37,41,45
    I got Denver on my news paper

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 72
      blue 33

  165. E

    My numbers are:
    Red: 08 ? 22 29 36
    Blue: 20 ? 23 26 30
    My letters spelled out Portland.

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 15, blue 21

  166. C
    Chris Loney

    Red 67 69 73 ? 87 blue 17 ? 29 35 41 and Tucson

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 79, blue 23

  167. P
    Payton Faulkner


    Red numbers are 04 10 16 ?? 28
    Blue numbers are 80 ?? 86 92 100

    Magazine scramble was Charlotte

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 22, blue 82

      1. M
        Marie-Lee Lovell

        I think I’ve figured it out but it’s not corresponding with anything,
        Blue: 40, 42, 46,?, 60
        Red: 33,?, 47, 54, 61
        I think red is adding 7 so that would make red 40
        And blue it think is 52

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          red 40
          blue 52

  168. C
    Chris Loney

    Red 67 69 73 ? 87. Blue 17 ? 29 35 41

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 79, blue 23

  169. U

    News paper was Charlotte

  170. Y
    Yanni Rodis

    My numbers are R20, B71, R?, B78, R34, B85, R38, B?, R40, B99
    the newspaper says Helena

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 28, blue 92, use Helena in Numbers Station Broadcast evidence to find 4 digit number that will be used as the code. Then, inspect Numbers Station Broadcast evidence again and use this number Red Blue solution (2892) again to find corresponding name which will be passphrase.

      1. S
        Sam berthelsen

        My red numbers are 71,?,74,77,81

        Blue 29,?,37,41,45
        I got Denver in my news paper witch was 1,5,2,5

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          red 72
          blue 33

  171. J

    Red 56 ? 66 71 76
    Blue 70 ? 73 76 80

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 61, blue 71

      1. W

        RED 11 ? 25 29 31
        BLUE 01 ? 17 25 33

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          red 19, blue 09

      2. M

        I’ve been trying to do everything can you help me out red is 27,29,33,?,48 blue 46,?,58,64,70

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          red 39
          blue 52

  172. N
    Natasha Lawrence

    These are my numbers –
    Red – 62 ? 65 68 72
    Blue – 25 28 31 ? 37
    And for the newspaper I got these letters O R T E H A L T C which I think is Charlotte and the broadcast code 2360.
    Can you please help?.

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 63, blue 34

  173. Z
    Zombie pop

    Hi can you help me please the red numbers are 53 ? 59 65 73
    The blue numbers are 63 ? 77 84 91 thank you

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 55, blue 70. Now use this 4 digit number and find a town in Numbers Station Broadcast. Name of that town will be your passphrase.

      1. W

        RED 43 45 49 ? 63
        BLUE 66 ? 72 75 78
        Also what do I do with the numbers that I get

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          red 55, blue 69, then read our TLDR; section in the post to find out what to do.

        2. M

          This is stressful
          My numbers are
          Red ? 07 10 12 13
          Blue 08 ? 20 26 32

          1. M

            My numbers are
            Red ? 07 10 12 13
            Blue 08 ? 20 26 32 location is Charlotte

          2. G
            Gosu No0b

            red 03
            blue 14

          3. G
            Gosu No0b

            red 03
            blue 14

    2. J
      Jai Jobanputra

      Red – 68 71 74 ? 80
      Blue – 76 78 82 ? 96

      1. G
        Gosu No0b

        red 77
        blue 88

  174. S

    my complete problem.
    r60 , b03 , r65 , b?, r70 ,b17 , r? , b21 , r80, b23

    making my blue 11, and red 75.
    my newspaper letters spell out orlando with o,a,d,o,l,r,n, but the code for that city is 6830. im having a really hard time. help please

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      yes, the numbers are correct. Your code is 6830, and now you have to find passphrase. Use 7511 and look at Numbers Station Broadcast evidence again and find the corresponding city to your numbers. The name you get from this new number is your passphrase.

  175. K

    Red numbers: 74, ? ,77,80,84
    Blue Numbers: 47,54,61,?,85

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Red 75, Blue 68

      1. C
        Chris Loney

        Red 67 69 73 ? 87 blue 17 ? 29 35 41 and Tucson

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          red 79, blue 23

  176. M

    Red 21, XX, 27, 30, 33
    Blue 61, xx, 64, 67, 71
    I tried the following
    24, 62 … racking my mind
    Newark (3025)

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Red 24, Blue 62. Your numbers are correct

  177. A

    Red 21, xx, 27, 30x 33
    Blue 61, xx 64, 67, 71 (tried adding +2, +3, +4)

    24, 62 was not good

  178. A

    Red 67 73 79 ? 91
    Blue 63 ? 69 75 83


    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Red 85, Blue 65

  179. G

    Red: 53, 69, 77, 85
    Blue: 58, 60, 64, 78

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      I need to know question marks positions as well.

  180. R

    My numbers dont make any damn sense to me
    Red number pattern 02,?,09,11?12
    Blue numbers 61,?,67,70,73
    Help ive been without sleep for close to 12 hours trying to solve this

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 06, blue 64

  181. R

    Mine is as follows
    Red numbers 02,?,09,11,12
    Blue numbers 61,?,67,70,73

    Been at it for hours and actually lost a full day of sleep trying to solve it

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red:06, blue 64

      1. R

        Thats wrong apparently my passphrase is Memphis numbers next to it are3,7,8,1

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          no it’s not, you have to find on Numbers Station Broadcast evidence the corresponding city to your numbers. And I guess Memphise is a word you got from solving your anagram. Please read our detailed guide first.

  182. A

    My newpaper spells out TOEDIRT which i made into Detroit but guess one of these is wrong

    1. C
      c daniele

      No math wiz can’t figure this out

      Red- 28 ? 38 43 48
      Blue- 37 38 40 ? 47

      I’ve tried every station there and nothing I’d working

  183. A

    Red is 29, 30, 32, ?, 39 Blue is 14, ?, 28, 35, 42 ! I thought it was 35 21 but it says its wrong?

    1. A

      My newpaper spells out TOEDIRT which i made into Detroit but guess one of these is wrong

    2. G
      Gosu No0b

      yes, the numbers are correct. Red 35, blue 21. But be careful which one you use for code, and passcode.

  184. S

    Red : ?,07,10,12,13
    Blue : 49,53,57,?,65

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 3, blue 61

      1. S

        I’m putting the code with the corresponding city name, and it’s still saying access denied????

        1. S

          Nvm I’m stupid

        2. T

          Red 89 90 92 ? 99
          Blue 53 61 69 ? 85

          Thanks for the help!

          1. G
            Gosu No0b

            red 95
            blue 77

          2. T

            Disregard my last. I got it.

      2. B

        Newark was in my paper

        Red – 90, 91, 93, ?, 100
        Blue – 06, ?, 22, 30, 38

        I think blue would be ? – 8 correct? But I can’t figure Red out

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          red 96
          blue 14

  185. B

    Newspaper: Tucson
    Red: 14,19,24,?,34 I believe its +5 so 29 Is the missing #.
    Blue: 06,?,13,15,16 I have no idea what blue is.

    I cant seem to figure out a number that matches for Tucson. And I still don’t understand how the frick to get the right code.

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      yes, the red one is 29, the blue one is 10, 6+4=10, 10+3=13, 13+2=15, 15+1=16

  186. E

    red 63 ? 69 75 83
    blue 22 ? 38 46 54

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      red 65, blue 30

  187. E

    I’m having trouble finding the broadcast evidence, my number sequence is Red: 54 56 60 ? 74
    Blue: 71 76 81 ? 91 I believe blue is 86?

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Red 66, yes Blue is 86. Cheers

  188. G

    I’m having a lit of difficulty with my math problem I’ve tried everything and I’m messing it up every time my numbers are 02, 14 , ?, 18, 16, 22, 20, ? , 22, 30

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Can you please separate numbers in two sequels red and blue like Michael Thelen did in his comment.

      1. J
        Jackson Nguyen

        Alright so i got red: 61, ?, 77, 85, 93. I believe its plus 8. So i got 69. Blue: 33, 34, 36, ?, 43. I believe its plus 1 then 2 and so on so i got 39. My paper says helena and those numbers are as follows: 5, 7, 6, 5. Now i put those numbers for the red and blue in for the code and used helena as my passphrase and didnt work, what am i doing wrong?

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          You should use 5765 as your code and investigate again Numbers Station Broadcast and find corresponding name for red and blue (4-diggit number). That new name will be your passphrase

          1. J
            Jackson Nguyen

            Thank you it worked

      2. N

        Red: 27,29,23,?,47
        Blue:66,72 ,78,?,90

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          red 39
          blue 84

        2. R

          My red is 37 ? 45 49 53
          Blue 13 ? 27 31 33

      3. Z

        My numbers is red 80 84 88 92 ? My blue is 52 ? 58
        64 72

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          red 96 blue 54

  189. Z

    My newspaper hint was Omaha, and the corresponding numbers station digits are 3815.

    The coded message sequence is;

    88 47 ? 54 91 61 94 ? 98 75

    I’ve been wracking my brain over this for hours.

      1. J
        Jacob Douglas

        My red numbers are 72, 74, 78, ?, 92 amd my blue are 33, ?, 39, 42, 45. Blue would be 36, but and red would be 84, which matches to Charlotte, but when i go to put it in it says access denied

  190. M
    Michael Thelen

    I need help my numbers starting with red is 46 ? 52 58 66, and then blue is 28 34 40 ? and 52. if you could help me out with this i would really appreciate it.

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Red 48, blue 46

      1. Z
        Zombie pop

        I need help plz my red numbers are 53 ? 59 65 73 and the blue numbers are 63 ? 77 84 91

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          red 55, blue 70

          1. C

            My numbers are red:
            48 ? 56 60 64
            85 86 88 ? 95

            Can someone help me

          2. G
            Gosu No0b

            red 52
            blue 91

          3. S

            My red numbers are 60 62 66 ? 80
            My blue numbers are 80 84 88 92 ?
            My city is new York 2360

            Number station broadcast
            Houston 7255. Madison 1278
            Buffalo 9694. Portland 7703
            Juneau 2172. Baltimore 1681
            Miami 1061. ( Charleston 7296)

            Charleston i got that one but says incorrect

          4. G
            Gosu No0b

            red 72
            blue 96

      2. B
        Boosted Saber


        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          red 33, blue 50

          1. J

            Red – 64 ? 70 76 84
            Blue – 38 ? 48 53 58

      3. K
        Kevin Munoz

        Red 19 ? 35 43 51
        Blue 10 ? 17 19 20

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          red 27, blue 14

    2. B
      Boosted Saber

      Need assistance struggling here



      1. G
        Gosu No0b

        red 33, blue 50

        1. D
          David Alonzo Vaughn Jr

          my red are 66, 73, 80, 87, ?
          Blue 46, ?, 49, 52, 56
          NOSUTC = TUCSON

          1. G
            Gosu No0b

            red 94, blue 47

  191. M
    Michael J Lowe

    I can’t find the observer front page evidence. I have ran the mission three times and scoured the bar for it. Where exactly is it?

    1. T

      So take a picture of the map on the wall in the top of the bar and the game will give you the evidence your looking for it.

      1. D

        My code and paraphrase does not work
        Red: 08, ?, 22,26,28 = 14
        Blue: 50,?,66,74,82= 58
        None of the broadcast numbers match i tried all the numbers but still denied SMH, help please

          1. D

            Yea i tried that but still says denied idk why, 1658 Charleston still denied idk if my game has a bug or something

          2. J

            Red – 72,77,82,?,92
            Blue – 03,?,10,12,13

          3. G
            Gosu No0b

            red 87
            blue 07

          4. A

            Red: 51,52,54,?,61
            Blue: 00,?,14,21,28
            Miami Is Passcode

          5. C

            Red: 19,?,22,25,29
            Blue: 36,44,52,?,68

            Please help me!:(

          6. D

            Red: ? 09,15,19,21
            Blue: 53,?,59,62,65


          7. M

            Red 91,92,94,?,101
            Blue 64,72,80,?,96
            Please help

          8. J
            Jonathan C Lavigne

            Red 00,?,10,15,20

          9. G
            Gosu No0b

            the blue sequence is not ok

          10. J

            I’ve figured out the codes I just cant figure out what way they go in
            Red 22,28,34,?,46 … ?=40
            Blue 33,?,36,39,43… ?=34
            And my letters in the observer come out to
            “Charleston” which letters are 4276 I must have made a mistake some where lol would like some assistance

          11. G
            Gosu No0b

            please read TLDR; section of this guide with detailed instrustions

          12. G

            I need help been trying this for hour and a half n still don’t understand my numbers are Red:28,29,31,?,38 Blue:13,17,21,?,29 and it Raleigh

          13. A
            Angel Cepeda


          14. R

            Red 44 ? 47 50 54
            Blu 76 81 86 91 ?

        1. A
          Ashton Comeau

          Sorry red is 29 30 32 39
          Blue is 22 28 34 46

          Help appreciated thanks

        2. M

          Red: 43,48,53,?,63
          I’m confused

        3. R
          Ronald Taylor

          Red 21,?,27,30,33
          Blue 33,?,39,45,53
          I did the red letters and the name is Washington and the code is 9981.

      2. I

        I need help decrypting

    2. R

      I’m no math wiz. Need help my numbers are as followed.
      Red: 36, ?, 48, 54, 60
      Blue: 04, 08, 11, ?, 14
      Thanks to whatever big brain person sovles this for me.

      1. G
        Gosu No0b

        Red 42, Blue 13

        1. R

          Thank you so much.

          1. J

            Red: 38,52,59,66
            Blue: 24,25,27,34

          2. G
            Gosu No0b

            I also need ? positions

          3. B

            I’ve tried my code 3470 (yes I’ve done the puzzle correctly) several times. The password is supposed to be Tucson (because that is the corresponding city to the number) but I keep getting “access denied.” Just wondering how and why this is not working

            Red: 19,24,29,?,39
            Blue: 64,65,67,?,74

            My newspaper clip reveals “Oakland” btw…any ideas?

          4. G
            Gosu No0b

            Hi Richard, please be sure that you are using correct number and word as the code and passphrase:

            STEP #1: get code: Look at Front Page of the Observer and write down red letters. Then, inspect Numbers Station Broadcast and rearrange letters against the list of names on the Numbers Station Broadcast, and find the corresponding code.
            STEP #2: get passphrase: Open A Coded Message and solve the riddle by finding RED and BLUE number. The missing red and blue number will give you a 4 digit number. Open Numbers Station Broadcast again and find corresponding name. Use this name as passphrase.

        2. A

          Red: 02, ?, 12, 17, 22
          Blue: ?, 06, 09, 11, 12

          1. G
            Gosu No0b

            Red 07
            Blue 02

          2. A
            Alex Z

            Red : 68,75,82,?,96
            Blue: 03,?,10,12,13

          3. G
            Gosu No0b

            red 89
            blue 07

          4. A
            Andrei Bejarano

            Blue: 33,35,39,?,53

          5. G
            Gosu No0b

            red 45
            blue 58

        3. M

          Red: 33, ?, 47, 54, 61
          Blue: 16, ?, 30, 34, 36

          1. G
            Gosu No0b

            red 40, blue 24

        4. F

          Was wondering if you could please solve mine? Red: 10, 15, 20, 30 blue: 30, 33, 36, 40 thanks.

          1. G
            Gosu No0b

            I need ? locations

        5. J

          Red: 59 ? 65 71 79
          Blue 56 ? 66 71 76

          1. G
            Gosu No0b

            red 61
            blue 61

        6. A

          My numbers are Red: ?, 16, 22, 26, 28. Blue: 31, 37,43, ?, 55. I got 0850 and Oakland out of ANKOLDA and I still am getting denied access?

          1. G
            Gosu No0b

            please read TLDR; part of this article

          2. G

            Red ?, 10,17,24,31
            Blue 81,?, 84,87,91
            So the numbers are Red 03 and Blue 82
            Denver is the location, and the combo of 0382 is apparent on the broadcast recording, but everytime I punch in 0382 and Denver I get the access denied pop up? Glitch or am I missing something.

          3. G
            Gosu No0b

            All details you can find in our TLDR; section of the article.

          4. K
            Kristopher Spicer

            I got red 52, 58, 64, ? 76
            Blue 03, ? 10, 12, 13

        7. J

          Red – 86,87,89,?,96

          Blue – 67,?,73,76,79

          1. G
            Gosu No0b

            red 92
            blue 70

          2. D
            DaJon Franklin

            (Red) 26,27,29,?,36
            (Blue) 37,?,53,61,69

        8. J
          Javaris Jones

          Red: 32,38,44,?,56
          Blue:09,17,23,?,29…I need help! Thank you in advance to whoever!

          1. G
            Gosu No0b

            red 50
            blue 27

        9. L
          Luke d

          Red 27 ? 30 33 37
          blue ? 06 12 18 24

        10. H

          Please help a woman in need my bloke is doing my head in ??‍♀️
          Red . 51 52 54 ? 61

          Blue 66 ? 78 84 90

        11. M

          Need help if you can please
          Red 64 ? 70 76 84
          Blue 64 70 76 ? 88
          Orlando is the town i got on the news paper

      2. R

        For the red ? The answer is 42

        For the blue ? the answer is 13

        For the red all you do is add 6 to each number

        For the blue you add 4 to the first one, 3 to the second, 2 to the third, and 1 to the fourth

      3. L

        Red 65,66,68,?,75
        Blue 22,26,30,?,38

        1. G
          Gosu No0b

          red 71
          blue 34

          1. Z

            Red – 35 ? 38 41 45
            Blue – 83 ? 89 92 95

            Blue is 86 don’t know Red

        2. J

          Red 07 13 19 ?? 31
          Blue 60 ?? 66 72 80

      4. D

        I’m not quite sure about blue. Double check to make sure that’s the legit pattern

        1. O

          My number are
          RED : 67, ?, 73, 79, 87
          BLUE:10, 18, 26, ?, 42
          Pls help

    3. R

      Red ? 09 15 19 21
      Blue 06 14 22 ? 38

      1. G
        Gosu No0b

        red 01
        blue 30

    4. L

      My numbers are
      Red 69 ? 81 87 93
      Blue 41 ? 44 47 51
      I keep getting
      75 red
      42 blue
      Idk if im right or not

      1. G
        Gosu No0b

        yes, you are right

        1. J

          r53 b37 r55 b42 r59 b47 ? ? r73 b57

          Would it be Red 65???
          Blue 52????

        2. J
          Jack Urban


    5. B

      Red: ?, 05, 09, 13, 17
      Blue: 05, ?, 19, 23, 25
      Together: red?, blue05, red05, blue?, red09, blue19, red13, blue23, red17, and blue25
      City: Seattle

    6. C

      Red: 69,?,79,84,89

    7. M

      Hello mine is:
      Red: 09, ?, 23, 27, 29
      Blue: 05, ?, 15, 20, 25

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