How to Change Third Brawler in Duels Brawl Stars
Brawl Stars is a popular multiplayer battle game. Made by Supercell, the developers behind other mega-popular mobile titles such as Clash of Clans and Clash Royale, Brawl Stars is also being constantly worked on by the devs, with regular updates and bugfixes. Of course, sometimes these updates also add problems as well. The latest update to the game introduced a troubling new issue. Namely, the inability to change your third brawler in duels. Needless to say, this is a very big issue, and players are now wondering how to change the Third Brawler in Duels in Brawl Stars.

Brawl Stars How to Change Third Brawler
This is an issue that started appearing after the latest update. Apparently, this wasn’t the only problem, as the Hypercharge Unleashed event also needed to be turned off, with the intention of fixing it up soon. Now, as for what to do if you are unable to change your 3rd Brawler, there is a solution that works for most players. And, luckily, it is a very simple fix. What you need to do is to go into a Friendly Battle and to then change your Brawler in there. So to summerzie: Friendly Battle -> Duels -> change Third Brawler.
It seems that every player that has tried this method so far has managed to get it to work this way. So odds are good that it is going to work for you as well. And in case it doesn’t, there doesn’t appear to be anything more that you can do to fix it on your end. Hopefully, Supercell are going to resolve this issue soon and we will once again be able to change the third brawler in Duels in the regular way. And if you have figured out any other fix for this problem, feel free to share it with us and your fellow players down in the comments.