Burnished Suit Dead Space Remake, Impossible Suit
If you want to know how to get the Dead Space remake Burnished Suit and see a preview of what it looks like, we’ve got you covered. In this guide, we’ll explain how to unlock the Dead Space remake Impossible Suit, as well as list other things you’ll get on this journey. Do keep in mind that it will be a daunting task.

How to Get Dead Space Remake Impossible Suit or Burnished Suit
To get the Impossible Suit, aka the Burnished Suit in the Dead Space remake, you have to complete the game on Impossible difficulty. This is… well, quite the feat to pull off. Not only are the enemies more vicious and Isaac not as durable, but you also can’t die even once. If you do, you have to start back from the beginning. It’s brutal, it’s grueling, and I truly take my hat off to anyone with the iron will to do this. If you manage to finish the game in Impossible mode, you’ll get the suit, the “Untouchable” achievement/trophy, and a special Hand Cannon. Literal Hand Cannon, as in, a big foam finger that can down enemies in one shot.
And there you have it, that’s how you get the Burnished Suit, or the Impossible Suit in the remake of Dead Space. If you want to see what it looks like, check out the video by Windmill Productions below. You can also see the deadly Hand Cannon in action. And by the way, yes, that is Isaac shouting “BANG, BANG! PEW, PEW!” whenever he fires the foam finger. It’s hysterical; I absolutely love it. Not enough to punish myself by trudging through Impossible mode, though, I’ll tell you that much. I’m perfectly content watching other people enjoy it. But, enough of my rambling, here’s the video.