Brawlhalla Order of the Exalted Lion
Win matches with Legends that were once members of the Order of the Exalted Lion is a weekly challenge in Brawlhalla. You need to win three games while playing with characters that were members of the Order of the Exalted Lion. If you’re not fully versed in the lore of the game you might be having a difficult time finding the exact characters you need to use to successfully complete this particular challenge. Thus, in this guide, we’re going to help you find out which Brawlhalla Order of the Exalted Lion Legend you should choose.

Win Matches With Legends That Were Once Members of the Order of the Exalted Lion
There are several characters that you can use to complete this challenge. For example, Sir Roland is an obvious choice, since one of his titles is Knight of the Order of the Exalted Lion. A pretty safe bet. Another character to use here is Diana – The Monster Hunter. She is the Commander of the Order’s Hunters. Lastly, there is Mordex, once Master Hunter of the Order of the Exalted Lion, and now a ravenous werewolf. There may be more characters related to the Order, but these three are the ones we found.
Your goal is to win 3 matches. You’ll get 6 Battle Gems for completing this mission. This is one of the easier missions, but it requires that you know the background lore of a lot of characters. If you don’t like playing with Sir Roland, Diana, or Moirdex, we suspect that Jhala is also member of the Order of the Exalted Lion, and that she may fit your play style better. Something to keep in mind. And if you know of any more Order of the Exalted Lion members in Brawlhalla, then please leave a comment bellow.
List please
You know we don’t need the useless fluff you could just list the characters
Also jhala!!
Sir Roland, and Jhala worked for me
Is it weird if all four (including Isaiah) are my mains?
its weird that you main isaiah, but thats just a coincidence
Lord Vraxx works as well
No it doesnt
isiah works just figured that out
Caspian works too
You sir are a lier. Caspian does not work. Do not be lead astray by this fars. It will lead to betrayal and heart brake. (Serious reply/joke)
I made this just to say u were right. As i was picking caspian who was perfect for what i needed i read ur comment
I found out that Isaiah also worked for this particular mission