Brawlhalla Magic Users
Brawlhalla has always had some of the most fun and engaging weekly challenges of any video game. But even though they are very interesting, they can also be very difficult. Usually, the hardest part about them is down to you having to figure out exactly what you need to do in order to complete them. After that, it’s all a matter of doing what the mission asks of you. For example, this week’s challenge requires that you “Win Matches as Magic-Users.” But which Legends qualify as magic users? In this guide, we are going to list out the Legends that are Magic Users in Brawlhalla, so that you can quickly complete this challenge in no time.

Win Matches as Magic Users Brawlhalla
It can often be difficult to figure out the source of the powers of the various playable Legends in Brawlhalla. This is because the lines blur over what is fantasy and what is science fiction, what’s exactly magic and what’s tech. For some of these challenges, you need to be keenly aware of the backstories and lore of each and every Legend. But don’t worry, there’s no need for you to go around reading various wikis, as we have done all of this research for you instead. So without further ado, here are several Brawlhalla Magic Users that you can use for this challenge:
- Mirage, aka The Dune Weaver. This Legend uses her magical powers to control sand.
- Azoth, The One Man Dynasty. Azoth is an undead creature that was raised using powerful magic.
- Queen Nai, The Jaguar Queen. Nai has several magical abilities that she can use in battle.
These are all the Brawlhalla magic-users that we have figured out. If there are any other Legends that fit this category, please share who they are with us in the comments.
Volkov also works.
Fait i think she’s à magic user
Rayman counts as well!
Mordex counts as well.
Dusk counts as magic as well
I haven’t tested this out myself yet, but I’d assume the LITERAL WITCH named Fait would count as a Magic user.
Update: Fait definitely counts.
Probably Fait