Black Ops 6 Nuketown Mannequin Easter Egg Explained
The iconic Nuketown map in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 gets a thrilling new twist with the latest Mannequin Easter egg. This time, players are challenged to explore an eerie, cinematic setup that feels like a dark sci-fi movie brought to life. Here’s what you need to know to unlock and experience this Easter egg in all its surreal glory.

How to unlock Nuketown Mannequin Easter Egg in Black Ops 6 Season 1
The first step is to find all mannequin in the town and shoot off all the mannequin heads. They are scattered throughout the map and each time on different locations. Also, you’ll have to complete this task within a strict two-minute window. Precision and speed are crucial here, as missing even one head could prevent activation. Once the final mannequin head is taken down, players are transported into a bizarre, dystopian world that seems to take place inside a TV. In this setting, the main twist is that now the mannequins observe the town and you. This change in scenery is a dark, Orwellian nod that flips the familiar into the unknown.
Inside the TV-like dimension, mannequins are positioned in director-like roles, creating a staged environment that’s unsettling yet compelling. The once-familiar, idyllic Nuketown transforms into an eerie film set where the mannequins take center stage.
Just when you think you’ve seen it all, the mannequins come to life, behaving like zombies in waves. A counter on the Nuketown sign keeps track of their numbers, helping players know how many mannequins are left to face. This creates a new level of intensity as the player fends off their attacks in a nightmarish, post-apocalyptic landscape.
Perhaps the most unique twist in this Easter egg is the mannequins’ reaction to the player’s actions. They respond in real-time—cheering or booing. It’s as if the player is performing for a strangely sentient audience, adding an interactive twist to the classic survival mode.
Black Ops 6 Nuketown Puzzle
Additionally, if you explore the town, you’ll notice an upside-down Nuketown sign with numbers and letters upon closer inspection (47J18). Inside some houses, you can also find numbers on the walls. I believe these clues are part of a mid-season event. If you have any more information, please leave a comment below to help us uncover more Easter eggs.