BitLife Blonde Bombshell Challenge
In our BitLife Blonde Bombshell Challenge guide, we are going to walk you through every requirement you need to complete. Some of them are pretty easy to pull off, but for most of them, you’ll have to plan your character’s life really carefully. So, how do you go through this gross simplification of the life of Marilyn Monroe? Let’s find out.

BitLife Blonde Bombshell Challenge
The first step to completing the BitLife Blonde Bombshell challenge is to be born a female in Los Angeles. This is the easiest part, since you can choose both your sex and place of birth at the start. However, you might still have to reroll your character, because you also want to be born with the Looks stat above 90. Another thing you might want to do during character creation is set Music as the special talent. You’ll see why in a bit.
The next thing you need to do is become a factory worker. The only requirement for this is to graduate high school. So, age up and finish high school, then look for Factory Worker (Corporate) or Junior Factory Worker (Corporate) under the job listings. While you’re growing up, don’t forget to start playing the piano as soon as possible. It’s under Activities > Mind & Body > Instruments. This is for the master the piano step of the BitLife Blonde Bombshell challenge, which requires you to hit the maximum level of Piano. It takes about 15 years of playing, and sessions cost money. Also, be sure to go to the gym and salon every year to maintain looks.
Now it’s time to become a famous model after working in a factory. We have separate guide on that, but basically, you have to look for Foot Model under Jobs. Ace the interview and always hit the Work Harder button. Rise through the ranks to Runway Model and unlock the Fame tab. Select it, then choose Activities. Choose Photo Shoot and opt to work with an adult magazine. That should check off the final requirement, which is pose for a scandalous magazine.