Best Warcraft Rumble Sylvanas Decks (Gnomeregan Dungeon)
Looking for the best Sylvanas build to grind Gnomeregan Dungeon in Warcraft Rumble? The new dungeon is up in Warcraft Rumble, and for this week, the Undead family is the featured one. This means that you will get a chance to level up your Sylvanas army slots. In this guide, we provide what we think is the best Warcraft Rumble Sylvanas deck to consistently beat Gnomeregan Dungeon bosses and level up yourslots.

Best Warcraft Rumble Sylvanas Build for Gnomeregan Dungeon
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, famously known as “the Dark Lady” and “the Banshee Queen”, is the latest Leader added to Warcraft Rumble as a part of the Season 1 update. She’s part of the Undead family and has two Undead slots and one Horde slot by default. Her Leader ability gives all Undead and Horde Minis 30% movement speed when they are near Sylvanas. In addition, upon death, she summons a Banshee for a sneaky steal. She’s a very versatile leader, which allows for a variety of tactics without shoehorning you into a specific all-in build. Hence, her only real downside is a rather steep Gold cost, as you will often find her being too costly at 6 Gold.
Nevertheless, the amount of value she packs is well worth the price. However, keep in mind that her Black Arrow Talent is essential. It makes here much stronger. I would not recommend playing here without that talent. When it comes to the Gnomeregan Dungeon, due to her long range and ability to steal key minions, you will find it quite easy to grind those levels. This week’s dungeon bosses are Crowd Pummeler 9-60, Electrocutioner 6000, and Mekgineer Thermaplugg. Each has a unique gameplay gimmick, which we will need to take into account when building a Sylvanas deck for this encounter. Hence, without further ado, let’s check out what is the best Warcraft Rumble Sylvanas deck for the Gnomeregan Dungeon.
Best Warcraft Rumble Sylvanas Deck List (Gnomeregan Dungeon)
- Fire Elemental – In my opinion, one of the best tanks in the game. He’s relatively cheap, has very high HP, and a cleaving attack which melts through armored units. If you have his Immolation Aura unlocked, he will go through the enemy army as a hot knife through butter. And when you land Shaman’s Earth Shield on him, Fire Elemental is practically unstoppable.
- Frostwolf Shaman – Frostwolf Shaman’s Earth Shield is essential here, as it will allow you to keep Fire Elemental alive for ages. You can also combo her with Sylvanas for the same purpose. She’s in general a great mini which will help your frontline tanks to stay alive in big pushes. She will also do a great job against Thermaplugg, allowing her to claim bombs with her long-range attack.
- Whelp Eggs – An all-around excellent Mini which can fill various roles in this build. You can use them on the first map to finish of Crowd Pummeler 9-60 (especially with the Flame Burst talent. They are also good at stopping sudden sideline pushes from even reaching your base.
- S.A.F.E. Pilot – One of the best minis in the game in general. Her unbound trait will allow her to claim shields against Crowd Pummeler 9-60. The unbound will also have use against Thermaplugg, allowing her to secure bombs for you before the enemy units do so. On top of it, she packs a big punch. Both her crash damage and her main attack are slow to wind up, but deal a devastating amount of AoE damage.
- Necromancer – A summoner whose role in this deck is to summon skeletons as buffers against Electrocutioner 6000. The second fight in this dungeon is arguably the hardest. You will need to claim towers and then defend them in order to stand a chance. Use him strategically when needed, and he will provide a lot of value.
- Gargoyle – This one of where we give you the freedom to choose differently if you wish so. I personally put Gargoyle in for a sole reason of beating Electrocutioner 6000. Controlling the two towers is beyond essential on this map, and Gargoyle will help you achieve this goal. Some players play Goblin Sappers an alternative for the same purpose. If you find Gargoyle not to feat your play style, you can try with the Sapperss.