Best Dagger Duchess Deck Clash Royale
In our Best Dagger Duchess Deck Clash Royale guide, we are going to give you a few suggestions on how you can best build a deck for this challenge. But before we get to the list, we will quickly explain what the goal of the challenge is, aka what you should do in order to get past the Duchess’s defenses, which are pretty dang strong. So, let’s get into it!

Best Deck for Dagger Duchess Challenge in Clash Royale
In the list below, we are going to show you some of the deck builds you can use to win the Dagger Duchess challenge in Clash Royale. Obviously, you have full freedom to build a deck with whatever cards you have / work best for you. And feel free to share them with us in the comments. With that said, here’s the general strategy: you want to first send out a unit or two that can tank a lot of damage and make Dagger Duchess spend all her daggers. Then, once she’s forced to go on cooldown, you send in the real damage dealers. So, make yourself a deck that can achieve that, and you should be good to go. With that said, here are the decks we’ve found particularly interesting.
- Deck #1 (via Deck Shop)
- Archers (3x Elixir, Evolution Spot)
- X-Bow (6x Elixir)
- Knight (3x Elixir)
- Skeletons (1x Elixirs)
- Ice Spirit (1x Elixirs)
- Tesla (4x Elixir)
- Fireball (4x Elixir)
- The Log (2x Elixir)
- Deck #2 (via Deck Shop)
- Zap (2x Elixir, Evolution Spot)
- Battle Ram (4x Elixir)
- P.E.K.K.A (7x Elixir)
- Royal Ghost (3x Elixir)
- Bandit (3x Elixir)
- Electro Wizard (4x Elixir)
- Magic Archer (4x Elixir)
- Fireball (4x Elixir)
- Deck #3 (via Deck Shop)
- Barbarians (5x Elixir, Evolution Spot)
- Lava Hound (7x Elixir)
- Balloon (5x Elixir)
- Miner (3x Elixir)
- Inferno Dragon (4x Elixir)
- Skeleton Dragons (4x Elixir)
- Arrows (3x Elixir)
- Zap (2x Elixir)