Battlefield 2042 XP Progression for Score Events Problem
The Battlefield 2042 XP progression for score events problem has begun plaguing a number of players, but not on all servers, and almost exclusively after you play the 128-player modes. What happens is, players finish a match, but get nothing in terms of XP progression at the end. It’s really frustrating, because these modes are fairly hard, but they’re also fun. People want to play them, but what’s the point if you get zero XP for your troubles? In this guide, we’ll share all the info about this issue that we have at the time of writing.

XP Progression Score Events Problem in Battlefield 2042
The Battlefield 2042 XP progression for score events problem seems to only affect certain servers, and there has been no real explanation as to why it’s happening, or why it happens on some servers and not others. That said, it does seem to only happen after 128-player matches, so the only way to even know that you’re on a “bad” server is to play one of those modes and realize you’ve got nothing to show for it. So, with this being a relatively widespread problem, can you do anything about it?
The answer, sadly, is that there’s nothing you can do to fix the problem. At least, we’re not aware of any; if you have some kind of workaround, share it with the crowd in the comments. The only “surefire” option is to play smaller modes until the developers roll out some kind of patch. The bright side to this mess is that the developers are aware of the score events XP progression Battlefield 2042 problem, and are presumably working on a fix. Until then, you’ll just have to be patient and play the modes with smaller player counts.
I mean, you can still play the massive 128-player matches too, just know that you might not earn any rewards for it. I really hope that the devs take care of the situation as soon as possible, because such massive battles can be a lot of fun. Getting nothing at the end does definitely kill the buzz, though. If you have any other questions about Battlefield 2042, check out some of our other guides, such as Unable to Load Persistence Data – 15-7A Error Fix and Pre-Order Bonus Gold & Ultimate Edition.