Balatro Blank Voucher Explained
If you need the Balatro Blank Voucher explained, I truly do not blame you. The item’s description tells you it does nothing. And indeed, when you purchase one, nothing happens. Is it possible that the developers included a truly worthless item, or is there something you’re missing? Let’s find out!

What Does the Blank Voucher Do in Balatro?
By itself, the Blank Voucher does absolutely nothing in Balatro. However, as is the case with many rougelikes, the true nature of some things is only revealed the more you interact with it through multiple runs. Turns out, the Blank Voucher does actually do something after you “evolve” it, so to speak. After you purchase ten of them, the next time you get it, you’ll receive an extra Joker slot. See, it does actually do something, and something useful. In theory, at least. In practice, it is an extremely costly way to get another Joker slot. Honestly, there are far more cost-effective ways to get more Jokers, like buying packs or buying the cards directly. Which is to say that an extra Joker slot is worthless, but at least try to spread the purchases of Blank Vouchers over multiple runs.
So, yeah, that’s what the Blank Voucher does in Balatro. I suppose I’ve been a little too harsh towards the item in the previous paragraph. If you do carefully spread out buying the individual vouchers, it does pay off to have an additional Joker slot as a long-term investment. I haven’t invested enough time in Balatro to give you super-solid advice on how to spend your money. If you do believe that the Blank Voucher is worth it, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. Same goes if you feel like it’s too big an investment; tell us why you think that below.
man that’s not how that works