Back 4 Blood How to Heal
The question of how to heal in Back 4 Blood has been causing a fair amount of confusion among the fledgling player base, and honestly, I can see why. While there aren’t many different healing items in the game, it sure doesn’t make it easy to use them. On top of that, there are other healing systems that you might easily overlook. After all, this is a survival game of sorts, so it makes sense that health should be a matter of tension. With all that said, in our Back 4 Blood How to Heal guide, we’ll show you how to get and use healing items in the game, plus other ways that you can get health back.

How to Heal in Back 4 Blood
The answer to how to heal in Back 4 Blood actually has several answers. The first and most obvious is: by using items like Bandages (restores a small amount of health), Medkits (restores a large amount of health, also lets you heal other players), Pain Pills (gives a boost of health which starts to deteriorate over time, like with pills in Left 4 Dead), and Defibrillators. You can find these items in supply crates in the levels (Pain Pills being the most frequent). To use them, press 4 to bring up a Support Item, and then hold the left mouse button until you’re healed.
You can also purchase Bandages and Medkits from the orange crate in the safe room at the beginning for 150 and 500 Copper, respectively. Also, while in the vendor screen, look to the top left, under the Refills section, and find the health icon. You are free to top your health up there, if you have the Copper to spare.

You can also heal in Back 4 Blood by using the First Aid Stations, or cabinets (as pictured up top). These appear behind special doors that appear at random and you can only open if one of the team has a Tool Kit. I’m talking about the doors with the circular orange symbol on them. These rooms contain a bunch of useful goodies, one of which is the First Aid cabinet. These heal both your Health and your Trauma (the thing where your maximum health drops). The first use is free; afterwards, you will have to pay a certain amount of Copper (400 on Veteran, for example).
These are the most common ways to heal in the game. There are also Active Cards like “Living on a Prayer” and the “Triumph” plus “Combat Knife” combos that can help out. However, that’s a different matter.