Armored Core 6 S Rank Rewards & Requirements
The Armored Core 6 S Rank rewards and requirements have been a matter of some discussion amongst the hardest of core players. I always have respect for people that want to push themselves and conquer every challenge a game puts in front of them. So, how do you get an S rank in AC6 and what rewards can you expect to get for your trouble? Let’s find out!

How to Get S Rank in Armored Core 6
One of the main requirements to get an S Rank in an Armored Core 6 mission is that you cannot use any checkpoints, nor are you allowed to die even once. You have to complete the whole thing in one go. You can restart a mission from the beginning without quitting, though, so that’s nice.
The second main requirement for an AC6 S Rank is speed. The faster you complete the objectives, the better. Fairly often, it’s smartest to just blast past enemies and ignore everything but the objectives. Sometimes that’s not an option, as we’ll explain, but the quicker you are, the higher your chances of getting the highest rank is.
Next we have the Repair Costs and Ammunition Costs, aka how much damage you’ve taken and ammo you’ve spent. The lower both of those numbers are, the better your odds of getting an S Rank. Now, these don’t appear to be as important as the speed of completing the mission, though. If you have to take a few blows or spend some extra bullets to finish faster, so be it.
Last, but not least, the special conditions. There are a few missions that won’t give you an S Rank until you finish the optional objectives and/or defeat enemies that are carrying Combat Logs. If a mission description mentions bonus pay for performing certain things, odds are they will be necessary for the top rank.
Armored Core 6 S Rank Rewards
The rewards you get for completing missions in Armored Core 6 on S Rank are honestly not much to speak of. For the most part, you’ll get more money than you would at a lower rank, and a couple of them will also give you extra parts to put on your mech. It’s not really enough to justify all the effort. If you get an S rank for all 59 missions, you will receive an Achievement called “The Perfect Mercenary.” Now, it’s impossible to unlock every mission in a single playthrough; you’ll need at least three, including New Game +. You’ll know that you’ve found them all when the “Stargazer” trophy pops up. In short, this is only for hardcore completionists. If you’re not interested in unlocking all achievements or if you’re not up for a steep challenge, leave it be.
“The rewards you get for completing missions in Armored Core 6 on S Rank are honestly not much to speak of. For the most part, you’ll get more money than you would at a lower rank, and a couple of them will also give you extra parts to put on your mech.”
I’ve seen so many people use these exact same words, but not a single source can cite which missions give parts rewards. Seriously?