Ark Fjordur Desmodus Locations, How to Tame Desmodus
Fjordur is a new, free DLC that was recently released for Ark: Survival Evolved. It adds a big new map to the game – the titular Fjordur. Besides this new area, complete with secrets to explore, a number of new creatures have also been added to it. One of these is the Desmodus. This giant bat can be very useful, since you can ride and get your very own winged mount this way. Of course, before you can do this, you will have to know where to find it and how to tame it first. In this Ark Fjordur guide, we will show you the best Desmodus locations, as well as explain how to tame it.

Ark Fjordur Desmodus Spawn Locations
There are several places around the map where Desmodus will reliably spawn. Here are some of the best ones. The first one can be found at the following coordinates – Latitude: 38.2, Longitude: 74.8. This is inside the waterfall, go there and you will find several Desmodus sleeping there upside down on the cave ceiling. This is by far the best place to look for them, as no other creatures spawn here. The second spot is at – Latitude: 90.8, Longitude: 77.7. This is another cave, surrounded by lava. Finally, the third and last spot is – Latitude: 49.7, Longitude: 13.8. It’s the little island to the far west.
How to Tame Desmodus in Ark Fjordur
To tame a Desmodus, you will need several Blood Packs, and a net. Head to one of the spots where they spawn. Our favorite location is the first one. Engage them and kill off all of them expect the one that you want to tame. Catch that one in a net instead. After a few minutes, it will manage to get out of the net and will pick you up. After it consumes several Blood Packs that you have on you, the Desmodus will be successfully tamed.