All Cat Pokemon in Pokedex Listed 2023
If you want all the Cat Pokemon in the Pokedex in 2023 listed, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we are going to give you a full list of every Cat Pokemon that currently exists, tell you how many there are, and which ones are the best (in our opinion). Interestingly, I thought there’d be more than this many, but there are still quite a lot. Let’s begin!

How Many Cat Pokemon Are There?
By our count, there are forty-two Cat Pokemon in the overall Pokedex in 2023. Your mileage may vary. Let’s take just the three cats pictured above: Entei, Raikou and Suicune. Raikou is quite obviously a cat, but there are people who think Entei is more like a large dog, and I can see their point. And Suicune, heaven knows what it looks like. But, in fact, they were modeled after lions, tigers and leopards, respectively. Therefore, they deserve a place in the list below. On the other hand, you might thing that another Pokemon should be here and we’ve overlooked. Feel free to tell us about it in the comments (so long as you keep it civil).
All Cat Pokemon in Pokedex List 2023
Right, now it’s time to get into the meat of the matter: here’s a list of all the Cat Pokemon in the Pokedex as of 2023. There are cats of all stripes (pun intended), sizes, types, etc. We have a lot to get through, so let’s jump right in.
What is Best Cat Pokemon?
Now that we’ve listed all the Cat Pokemon in the 2023 Pokedex, which one is the best? Well, that depends. You’d think that legendary Pokemon are always better than regular ones. And, in fairness, Solgaleo is a great candidate for the top of the list. Entei, Suicune and Raikou are also really good, but not close to the top. Why? Because there’s other beasts, like Zeraora, Incineroar, Perrserker, Pyroar, and others that, although not legendary, arguably outclass the trio. That’s what power creep does to a series, I suppose. What are your favorite Cat Pokemon? Let us know in the comments!