Age of Empires 4 Deluxe Edition Bonuses
Age of Empires 4 is finally out! The newest entry in this long-running strategy series has been officially released, much to the excitement of fans all around the world. And, as has become a custom for most video games released today, AoE4 also has a Deluxe Edition filled with bonuses you can get if you buy this edition. These are the Age of Empires IV Digital Soundtrack, Craig Mullins Compilation Banner and Unit Counter Chart, and three in-game items: Player Profile Portrait, Monument, and Coat of Arms Sigil and Banner. We will be taking a look at all of them in this Age of Empires 4 Deluxe Edition Bonuses guide, and also explain where you can find all of these.

Where to Find Age of Empires 4 Deluxe Edition Bonuses
The Age of Empires IV Digital Soundtrack and the Craig Mullins Compilation Banner and Unit Counter Chart is additional content that you will be able to access out of the game. To play the soundtrack, first locate Age of Empires 4 in your Steam library. The OST is under Additional Content here. You will be able to download the music files in WAV and MP3 format to your computer and play them via Steam. To find the Craig Mullins Compilation Banner and Unit Counter Chart, also select Age of Empires 4 in your Steam Library. Right-click on it, select Manage and after that click on Browse Local Files. You will see folders on your computer that contain these.
Where to Find Age of Empires 4 Deluxe Edition In-Game Items
Besides these, you will also get three wolf-themed in-game items as part of the Deluxe Edition. To be able to access these, the first thing you will need to do is to launch the game. After that, go into the lower-left corner of the Main Menu and click on the Wolf icon to enter your Player Profile. This Wolf icon is your Player Profile Portrait and it is here that you will be able to set your Coat of Arms and your Monument. The Monument itself will be placed in the middle of your Town Center.