Adventure Record Treasure Chest Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds
You need to find three Adventure Record Treasure Chests in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds in order to complete one of the quests in the Evermore event. Doing so rewards you with one Energy Drink, but the progression is the most important part, of course. The trouble is that the game doesn’t really communicate what these chests are and how they differ from regular ones. That’s where we come in. Let’s begin.

Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds Discover Adventure Record Treasure Chest
To complete the Discover Adventure Record Treasure Chest x3 quest in the Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds Evermore event, you have to, well, find three of these chests. As far as we can tell, these are the higher-tier chests that can be found in certain locations in each zone. If you open the event and tap on the mission, it’ll show you all of the chests that count towards completion. We’ve listed pretty much all of them in our Cross Worlds Chest Locations guide, but we’ll show you where to find three specific ones that are pretty easy. If any of them don’t appear, change your Cross Worlds channel by going into the server menu and tapping your current channel at the bottom.
The first Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds Adventure Record Treasure Chest we’ll show you where to discover is in Serene Forest; take a look at the screenshots to see where it is on the map. It’s in an alcove above ground level, so you’ll have to hop across platforms to reach it. The chest is called “Chest on a Mushroom,” even though it’s not really on a mushroom, just near one. The second chest, Sulfur Mine Chest, is out in the open in the east of Eastern Heartlands. The last one, Farm Back Street Chest, is under the orange-leaved tree behind the green-roofed house near Zephyr Station in Southern Heartlands.
Note: this place is correct and accurate but if you have trouble finding the treasure chest go to Golden Grove near the waterfalls.