Adopt Me New Trading Update, Trade Icons Explained
A brand new Trading Update is coming to Adopt Me. This update is going to change a lot of things concerning trading in the game. Most of these are very welcome quality of life additions that are going to make it easier and more reliable. This includes the addition of new icons, such as the Buttefly, Star, and Smile. If you are wondering how all of this is going to work in the game, our Adopt Me New Trading Update, Trade Icons Explained guide is here to clear up any questions you may have regarding it.

Adopt Me Trade Changes
The new Trade changes to Adopt Me include Quick Replies, a Backpack Search Indicator (three dots which indicate that your trade partner is searching through their backpack for items they wish to add to the trade), a Trade Chat Typing Indicator, new Trade Icons (which we are going to take a look at in the next section), and finally – Trade Spectating. Note that trading bucks hasn’t been added as an option and still isn’t available in Adopt Me.
Adopt Me Trade Icons – Butterfly, Star & Smile Explained
There are three new Trade Icons. The Butterfly, the Star, and the Smile. These show up if your trade partner is a friend, and influencer, or an Adopt Me developer. Friends show up with a Smiling Face Icon, Influencers have a Star Icon, and Adopt Me devs will show up with a Butterfly Icon.
Can You Turn Off Spectate Trading for Other People?
Trading Spectate is another new Trading option that has been added to the game with this latest update. It allows you to view the Trades of other players and for them to view your Trades in turn. Currently, it doesn’t appear that there is a way to turn option this off.