Adopt Me Husky Sled 2022
Adopt Me has certainly had a very busy month this December 2022. Each day, you could get something new from the game, not to mention all the fun winter-themed activities and new pets that have been added recently. One of these additions is the Husky Sled. This is a very fun way to get around the game, so it’s no wonder that it is very popular. So if you were wondering how to get the Husky Sled in Adopt Me 2022, as well as what to do if your Husky Sled has bugged out and you didn’t receive it, this guide is here to help.

How to Get Husky Sled in Adopt Me
In order to be eligible to get the Husky Sled in AM, you will first need to open twenty doors of the Advent Calendar. There are 25 of these doors in total, and if you are interested in learning about everything that you can get, we invite you to read our Adopt Me Advent Calendar guide for the complete list of free goodies available to claim this way. So once you open 20 doors, you will then get a message notifying you that you have unlocked the Husky Sled and can now use it in the game.
But what to do if you have already done that and you haven’t received the Husky Sled? Apparently, this happened to many players, and they were – understandably – very upset because of this. Well, the good news is that Adopt Me developers are aware of this bug, and they have fixed it. If you have experienced this bug, you are going to get your Husky Sled – the next time you open an Advent Calendar door in the game. It’s great that the devs have resolved this issue so quickly and efficiently.