Grand Theft Auto 5 ARCHIVE - Page 6

gta online fleeca job heist bank

Fleeca Job Heist Guide

The Fleeca Job is the first Heist you’ll encounter in GTA Online. It is a small, two-man bank heist intended to ease players into the…

gta online adversary modes

Adversary Modes Announced

Hand in hand with the previously mentioned Heists, the March 10th update will bring new PvP modes and Freemode activities to GTA Online. Three new…

GTA Online Heists Release Date Revealed

Heists are a new mission type coming to GTA Online on March 10th. They are four player cooperative challenges, based on the Story mode heists….


PC Version Delayed Again

The release date for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto 5 has once again been pushed back. Instead of hitting store shelves on March…

pc michael

GTA 5 PC New Release Date March 24

Today Rockstar Games announced that the release date of the Grand Theft Auto V for PC has been shifted to March 24, 2015.


Pistol hidden locations in GTA 5 with map, screenshots and detailed statistics.


RPG hidden locations in GTA 5 with map, screenshots and detailed statistics.

Sawed-Off Shotgun

Sawed-Off Shotgun hidden locations in GTA 5 with map, screenshots and detailed statistics.


SMG hidden locations in GTA 5 with map, screenshots and detailed statistics.

Sniper Rifle

Sniper Rifle hidden locations in GTA 5 with map, screenshots and detailed statistics.

Sticky Bombs

Sticky Bombs hidden locations in GTA 5 with map, screenshots and detailed statistics.

Jerry Can

Jerry Can hidden locations in GTA 5 with map, screenshots and detailed statistics.


MG hidden locations in GTA 5 with map, screenshots and detailed statistics.


Crowbar hidden locations in GTA 5 with map, screenshots and detailed statistics.


Molotov hidden locations in GTA 5 with map, screenshots and detailed statistics.

Assault Rifle

Assault Rifle hidden locations in GTA 5 with map, screenshots and detailed statistics.

Assault Shotgun

Assault Shotgun hidden locations in GTA 5 with map, screenshots and detailed statistics.