GTA Online Stash House Safe Code

Finding the GTA Online stash house safe code is necessary to complete Gerald’s missions. The safe combinations are random, so you have to locate them in order to open the thing. Problem is, the game doesn’t give you the code where you might expect it to be, such as Gerald’s texts. Instead, you have to look for them. In this guide, we will show you where to find the stash safe code, as well as a list of potential combinations you might run into.

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gta online stash house safe code
GTA Online Stash House Safe Code

Where to Find Gerald’s Stash House Safe Code GTA Online

Finding one of Gerald’s designated location is not a problem since they’re marked on the map, but finding the GTA Online stash house safe code is a whole different can of worms. It’s not in the text that Gerald sends you as you might expect. It’s also not going to be on any of the people you kill in the stash house. No, instead, you have to inspect the safe room until you find a yellow post-it note. That’s where the code is written down. It seems that the note can spawn in several places, including the metal shelving unit and the vertical wood beams on the walls. So, comb through the whole thing carefully.

where to find geralds stash house safe code gta online
The code is on a yellow post-it

All GTA Online Stash House Safe Possible Codes

So, as we’ve said, every Gerald’s stash house safe code in GTA Online is random. That’s a necessity, because otherwise, you’d be able to memorize one safe combination and keep looting forever. An online game would be nothing without a community that keeps breaking it, and this one is no exception. PLTytus published a list of all possible safe codes on Twitter; that should make things easier. Here’s a list of them for your convenience. It can be any of them, mind you, so it might still behoove you to actually find the note with the combination. Or, you know, just brute-force it by punching in every string of numbers until the safe surrenders.

  • 05-02-91
  • 01-23-45
  • 28-03-98
  • 28-11-97
  • 24-10-81
  • 77-79-73
  • 02-12-87
  • 73-27-38
  • 44-23-37
  • 72-68-83

GTA Online Stash House Safe Rewards

After locating a Stash House, your task is to eliminate the dealers inside the house. Subsequently, you have to open the safe using the code discovered within the Stash House. Once you manage to escape swiftly, you will receive your rewards. If you possess MC businesses, robbing these stash houses would be worthwhile. This is because each successful heist will replenish one of your MC businesses with $75,000 worth of stock, which will also generate revenue for the player at zero cost. However, if you do not have any MC businesses, the rewards for robbing stash houses would be smaller. Non-business players can earn $30,000, which is an effortless way to make some quick cash.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.