GTA Online Criminal Enterprises New Weapons
The new weapons in GTA Online Criminal Enterprises have been revealed, and if this is all there is to it, then some of you might be disappointed. On the other hand, I guarantee there will be people that will salivate at the though of this new rifle. So, let’s take a look at the new guns in GTA Online.

GTA Online Criminal Enterprises Update New Weapons
As far as we can tell, there’s only one new weapon in the GTA Online Criminal Enterprises update, the Precision Rifle. This new rifle in GTA Online is, well, not necessarily much to write home about. I mean, as you can see in the image above, it has decent enough stats. However, the problem is that it doesn’t seem to have any mods, and not a lot of magazine capacity. Then again, I’m sure there are people that will take mastering a no-scope bolt-action rifle as a personal challenge. I mean, I’m sure that it can be a formidable firearm if you figure it out; just look at that range and damage. Granted, the accuracy is a bit lacking for something called Precision Rifle, but it is what it is.
How to Get Precision Rifle in GTA Online Criminal Enterprises
To get the Precision Rifle in GTA Online Criminal Enterprises, aka the new weapon added in the summer update, you just have to purchase it from any arms store. Just saunter into your local Ammu-Nation and pick one up. The cost for us was $450,000, but I’m sure it might be less for some of you, depending on your overall standing and whatnot. And, well, that’s basically all there is to it. Check out our Criminal Enterprises New Cars & Vehicles guide for more info on that subject. As I’ve said in that article, there might be more weapons in the new update, and they’re just not that easily obtained. If that is the case, we’ll be sure to update this guide as soon as we know more.
There is another M16 rifle but no one has got it yet. im trying to look in the files for it.