Gotham Knights Owl Shadow Puzzle Solution in Power Club
Batman is a lot of things – a master martial artist, a genius inventor, a tactician, a leader. But, above all of these, he is a detective. After all, he debuted in Detective Comics, way back in 1939. As such, he has trained all of his proteges and teammates in the fine art of deduction and problem-solving. Since each of the four Gotham Knights have trained under him, it’s only natural that there are puzzles in the game. One of these is Powers Club Shadow Puzzle, and it is giving many players a hard time. We are going to show you the Gotham Knights Owl Shadow Puzzle Solution in Power Club right here, so that you can quickly solve it and get back to beating up Gotham’s criminals.

how to Solve Owl Shadow Puzzle in Power Club Gotham Knights
The main story in Gotham Knights will inevitably bring you to the Powers Club. While making your way through this area, the path is going to bring you to a curious shadow-based puzzle. While you may be confused at first and not know what you need to do here, it’s actually pretty simple. If you have ever seen modern art pieces that use several seemingly-unrelated objects to compose an image (or, in this case, a shadow) when viewed from a certain angle, then you already understand what’s the objective here.
There are four buttons here. Each of them controls one of the objects that make up the overall shadow on the wall. What you need to do is to manipulate these until you get them to be exactly in the position of the shadow like in our image below. That is, in the shape of an owl shadow that is facing right. The puzzle cannot be failed, so don’t be afraid that you’ll mess something up. Once you have gotten it to look like it does in our screenshot, a secret door is going to open and you can then proceed with the game’s story.