God of War New Gameplay Video Shows Troll Battle, Exploration
The PlayStation YouTube channel has released a new gameplay video for God of War. In it, they show off some exclusive footage, which you can check out at the bottom of this article. The video features a battle with a troll, exploration, some collectibles, puzzle solving, and other stuff.

The video starts off with a battle with a troll by the name of Brenna Daudi, translating to Burning Death. The PS Underground bunch mention that all of the trolls speak their own language. Each one of them has a name, meaning that they are important characters in some way. Also, every troll you battle will fight in a different way, meaning that you’ll have to switch your tactics up every time. Also, the trolls have their backstory. Apparently, they are angry because they believe that the gods have betrayed them in some manner. It sounds like an interesting conflict to be in the midst of.
After that, Kratos kills two wolves, and we see that there’s a bestiary in the game. Also, there are labors, which seem to be some sort of side mission. I bet most of them will revolve around killing different monsters. Then, there’s Artifact Sets. These are apparently little clusters of items that you have to collect. In the video, we see Lost and Found, where you have to find toys, and The Faces of Magic, where you search for masks. Lastly, there’s Idunn Apples, Idunn being the goddess of eternal youth, which her apples grant. They are like Gorgon Eyes, in that finding three increases your maximum health. Interestingly, the Idunn Apple in the video is Legendary, meaning that there will be several tiers of loot. I’m not sure why this is necessary in a God of War game, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
The new God of War will definitely have more exploration than the previous ones. There are quiet areas where you can just look around and find different stuff. This, of course, includes chests. We won’t have to mash the Circle button to open them anymore, it seems. Kratos just approaches and opens them, sometimes even outright smashing the lid. The video also features one chest protected by three rune seals. You have to destroy rocks with a rune on them to open the chest. In this case, all three runes where in the same room, just kinda hidden in corners. It’s a fairly easy puzzle, but maybe the full game will feature harder ones.