God of War Muspelheim Cipher Piece Locations - Trilingual Trophy
Muspelheim cipher pieces are collectibles in God of War. There are four of them, and getting them all will allow you to enter the realm of fire. They’re hidden in special Nornir chests with a face on the lock. When you interact with one, Atreus will pull out a knife and stick it into the face. Getting them will also count towards earning the Trilingual trophy. Since they can be hard to find, we’ve decided to write a guide with God of War Muspelheim cipher piece locations.

Where to find Muspelheim cipher fragments?
The first one we found was on the shores of the Lake of Nine. Dock at the Forgotten Caverns, in the northwest of the island, after the water has receded. On your right, you’ll see a chain that lets you climb a ledge. Once you’re up there, turn left and you’ll see the chest.
You can find another one at the Cliffs of The Raven. Go around the dead giant, and you’ll see a boarded-up hole in the clifface. Break the boards with your axe and send Atreus through there. He’ll drop the chain from the ledge, so you can climb up. Once you’re on the ledge, you’ll see the chest on your left.
The next one is in the caves that connect the Lake of Nine with the Foothills. After you enter the tower, go right. After the second green gas dispenser (the ones you have to freeze in order to pass), you’ll drop down into a hole. Look to the left and you’ll see the chest in a cloud of gas.
The final piece of the Muspelheim cipher is hidden in the Witch’s Cave. As the elevator takes you up from the dock, you’ll see passage blocked by red resin on your right. Tell Atreus to shoot it, then head down the corridor and turn left. You’ll see the chest in an alcove.
You’ll see a lot of cool stuff in the realm of fire, and fight a bunch of vicious enemies. You’ll also get the chance to grab some pretty rare crafting materials. The most important of them all is the Raging Inferno of Muspelheim.