God of War How to Get Forbidden Grip of the Ages Axe Pommel
Forbidden Grip of the Ages is a secret axe pommel in God of War. To get the God of War Grip of Ages axe pommel, you first have to decode the runes on the cloth map that came with the special edition of the game. Fortunately, we’re here to show you how to get Forbidden Grip of Ages axe pommel in God of War, so that you don’t have to go through the hassle.

How to Solve Forbidden Grip of Ages Pommel Cloth Map Puzzle in God of War?
To solve the Cloth Map puzzle in God of War and get the Forbidden Grip of Ages axe pommel, you first have to get to the top of Muspelheim Tower in Lake of Nine (if you don’t know how to do that, check out our Muspelheim Realm Tower – How to Get on Top guide). If you haven’t been there before, prepare to fight a Traveler. Once the area is clear, stand in the large ring on the floor, ideally in the center. In front of you, you’ll see the Temple of Tyr, and braziers on both sides that you can light.
The next step is to look around in a very specific way. We’re going to explain the sequence as simply as possible. Forward means look at Tyr’s Temple, right means look at the right brazier, left the left brazier, and down means look at the floor and the ring you’re standing in. The sequence is as follows: Down (thanks for the correction, Dan!), Forward, Left, Forward, Right, Left, Forward, Down, Right, Left, Forward. When you pull it off correctly, a realm tear will appear. Approach it, and take out the God of War Forbidden Grip of Ages axe pommel. You’ll hear a sound cue whenever you do a step correctly. If you do make a mistake, it’s fine. Exit through the door behind you and come back to reset the puzzle, and try again. Here’s the sequence once more, with feeling:
- Ring on the floor (again, thanks for the correction, Dan!)
- Tyr’s Temple
- Left brazier
- Tyr’s Temple
- Right brazier
- Left brazier
- Tyr’s Temple
- Ring on the floor
- Right brazier
- Left brazier
- Tyr’s Temple.
Huge props to Reddit user SkipOneEBR and everyone else that figured this mystery out. If you need more info, you can check out our Best Axe & Blades Pommels – Mistbourne, Grips of the Valkyrie or any of our other God of War guides.
Do you need the special version of the game to do this?
There is no special version of the game.
I have God of War on PC through Steam, and is it still possible to obtain the Forbidden Grip of the Ages? If so, I keep messing up and am hearing the gong, even when I think I did everything right, but the secret Realm Tear does not appear.
Also, would it be alright if you posted a video of doing the necessary steps and obtaining the item as you are playing God of War on PC? It would be very appreciative if you did.
Its does work but i have try many times this combo on pc if you do correct the last three steps you can do that means when you hear the gong sound than you can go further if not hearing than reset and back
How do I reset the puzzle when I mess up?
No matter what I do I can’t this to work. I’m playing it on the PS5 so maybe thay has something to do with it. I have tried it dozens and dozens of times and it just won’t work. Even followed the instructions here that Dan left, but I still can’t get it.
I’m playing on ps5 and managed to get the first gong but struggling after that
I’m still on ps4, new game + and all I can do is get first gong nothing after that
Just keep going. Don’t pause after the gong. I had to do it a few times. Just keep going and you’ll get it. The gongs only purpose is to let you know your doing it right, and over exaggerate your movements. Like going all the way to the left and all the way to the right. You got this buddy ?
So I been doing this and just not getting it to work. I am on the PS5,but haven’t tried the instructions that Dan here left. I will try his instructions when I get home, hopefully it will work.
oh sorry i made a mistake to understanding your question
i have both normal and red one so i don’t know your answer
can we get the normal grip after we get the red one in new game plus ?
yes you can
and your reward is an epic version of forbidden grip and add 20 to all stats at full upgrade ! 🙂
Hi, I lit the braziers long before I found out about the forbidden grip. Can I still get the grip? Also i ve tried several times. Kind of wondering what I might be doing wrong.
The look directions here (and on a few other sites) are slightly off! The first move, which is omitted here, is to look DOWN first at the ring on the floor, then follow the steps here starting with step 1 and you should be fine.
Straight (then GONG acknowledgement so you know you’re doing this right so far, don’t pause though just keep going)
Dan you good sir are amazing thank you for being so exact in your simple directions I’m a completionest and was having a VERY hard time with this thanks for the help
Wow.. ❤?? thanks. Dan is the man.