God of War How to Get Back to Mountain & Fight Eir
The Mountain is one of the areas in God of War. The story will take you through it at some point, but you will be able to return afterwards to explore at your own pace. It’s where you’ll find the Valkyrie Eir, in a hidden chamber deep within the caves beneath the Summit. Some players are having trouble returning to the area afterwards, which is why we’ve written this God of War how to get back to the Mountain guide.

How to return to The Mountain after the story?
First you’ll need to get to the Foothills again. You can either use the Mystic Gate, or dock at Vanaheim Tower on the Lake of Nine, then follow the tunnels to the plateau with the drawf shop. Then you can either take the elevator on the left, or go past the red banner and follow the same path you took the first time you scaled the Mountain.
The two paths will converge at some point, after which you’ll have to continue up the slopes. Once you go past the area where you had to chase away the darkness, you’ll be at the massive wooden door again. Open it and enter the hall. You can now either go right, down the corridor you took the first time, or use shock arrows to clear the block on the left, and use the shortcut behind it.
If you take the shortcut, you’ll have another fork – you’ll have to climb a crack in the rock, or a chain. Choose the chain – it will take you to a door that opens up into the giant hall where the hidden chamber’s entrance is. Now simply walk up to it, use your magic chisel, and get ready to face the Valkyrie boss.