God of War Tyr's Vault Puzzle - How to Escape Wolf Trap in Black Rune Quest
The Black Rune main quest in God of War leads you to Tyr’s Vault. Tyr’s Vault in God of War has a puzzle you have to solve to escape a trap. The trap revolves around two giant wolves that devour the Sun and Moon. You have to rearrange the symbols of the Moon, Sun, and Midgard so that the correct wolf is devouring the correct celestial body. The main problem with this puzzle in Tyr’s Vault is that you have to solve it quickly, or else you’ll die and have to start over. To avoid that, here’s our guide on how to escape the wolf trap in The Black Rune side quest in God of War Tyr’s Vault.

How to Solve Wolf Trap Puzzle in Tyr’s Vault – God of War Black Rune Main Quest
To solve the puzzle with the wolves Hati and Skoll in Tyr’s Vault, you have to rearrange the positions of the Sun, Moon, and Earth, or Midgard, if you prefer. Tyr’s Vault in God of War has many puzzles you’ll have to solve, since Tyr made sure to guard his riches. However, the puzzle in Tyr’s vault involving the two wolves is one of the harder ones. Atreus will explain the solution for the puzzle pretty clearly. The silver wolf, Hati, is on the left, and he devours the Moon, so the Moon has to go on the left. Skoll, the golden wolf, is on the right, so that’s where the sun has to be. And, of course, Midgard comes in the middle. The real catch though is that the roots that have trapped you are pulling Kratos into the water, so time is of the essence.

Here’s how I solved this puzzle in Tyr’s Temple, step by step. There might be a more efficient way to complete the puzzle, but this method will work just fine, trust me. When the puzzle starts, the sequence will be Sun, Moon, Midgard. First, pull the middle bar. This will move all three puzzle elements to the left. Now, pull the left bar. This will lower the Moon and lock it into position. Have Atreus pull the middle bar again, and the remaining to elements will move all the way to the right. Next up, pull the right bar. That will lock the Sun in. The next step is to pull the left bar, so that the Moon rises into its correct position. Pull the middle bar to move Midgard into the middle, where it belongs. Lastly, Atreus has to pull the right bar so that the sun rises. That’s it; the puzzle is solved.

Once again, the whole sequence, nice and simple:
- Middle bar
- Left bar
- Middle bar
- Right bar
- Left bar
- Middle bar
- Right bar
You won’t be out of the woods just yet, because the plaform will keep rising, and spikes will start lowering from the ceiling. Atreus will take care of it, but you will have to hit Square at one point for him to rescue you, so be ready for that. After that, the wolf puzzle in Tyr’s Temple will be complete.
Thank you Stefan!