God of War Best Axe & Blades Pommels - Mistbourne, Grips of the Valkyrie
Weapon pommels in God of War are an important piece of equipment. They grant you different bonuses and effects. There’s a large variety of pommels in God of War, for both the Leviathan Axe and Blades of Chaos, and some are better than others. To help you choose, we’ve put together this guide on best Axe and Blades pommels in God of War.

Best Leviathan Axe Pommels in God of War
Mistbourne: This is arguably the best Leviathan Axe pommel in God of War. You get it after closing all three Realm Tears in Niflheim, which is a favour you can pick up from Sindri. After you close them all and kill all the enemies, one last tear will open, After you kill them all, one mroe tear will open. Reach inside to get the pommel. It gives you a low perk activation chance to grant Healing Mist on any successful hit, which regenerates health and increases Runic. The beginning stats are:
- Strength: 12
- Defence: 6
- Vitality: 15
Blightbringer: The special ability of this axe is a low perk activation chance to strike with an explosive curse that inflicts Weakness to enemies on any successful hit.
- Strength: 12
- Runic: 8
- Defence: 15
Valkyrie’s Might: We got this epic axe pommel after killing the Valkyrie called Eir. You can find her in the Hidden Chamber of Odin in The Mountain in Midgard. It might drop from another Valkyrie for you. The special ability is a moderate perk activation chance on any successful Executioner’s Cleave to grant Strike of the Valkyrie, which causes a massive explosion on the next activation. Also, there’s a low perk activation chance to cause an explosion on any successful hit.
- Strength: 10
- Runic: 10
- Luck: 16
Wing of the Fallen: This epic axe pommel also dropped for us after killing a Valkyrie. Her name was Hildr, and she can be found in Niflheim. It might drop for you from another Valkyrie. The special power is a moderate perk activation chance on any successful kill to grant Power of the Valkyrie, which increases Runic and Strength and can stack up to 3 times max. The starting stats are:
- Strength: 16
- Cooldown: 6
Retribution: This epic axe pommel might just be the hardest of them all to get. You have to kill all of the Valkyries, and then defeat their queen Sigrun. Sigrun is in Midgard, in the area called Council of Valkyries, northeast of the Lake of Nine. The Retribution axe pommel makes your R1 axe trow and recall incredibly powerful. There’s also a low perk activation chance to strike with a massively damaging explosion on any successful hit.
- Strength: 12
- Luck: 10
- Cooldown: 15
Hreazla Farmadr’s Grip: To get this pommel, you have to complete the Familty Business Dwarven Favour for Sindri, by finding the whetstone he asks for. The special ability of the axe pommel is Warrior’s Health Burst, which has a low perk activation chance to grant a Health Burst on any successful axe hit. Here are the starting stats:
- Strength: 2
- Vitality: 6
- Luck: 13
Grip of Tanngiost: To obtain this pommel, you have to explore the grave at the base of the statue of Thor in the middle of the lake in Veithurgard, east of Stone Falls and the Lake of Nine. You might have to speak to one of the Wayward Spirits in Stone Falls first, and start the Hammer Fall favour. The special ability of the pommel is a low perk activation chance to strike with an explosion of lightning that inflicts Shock on all nearby enemies on any successful axe hit. The starting stats are as follows:
- Strength: 6
- Runic: 6
- Luck: 6
Forbidden Grip of the Ages: This is arguably the best pommel you can get in the early-to-mid game. To get your hands on this pommel, you have to solve a puzzle that the devs have hidden in the cloth map you got with the special edition of the game. Basically, you have to stand at the top of the Muspelheim Realm Tower in the Lake of Nine, and look at your surroundings in a very specific way, which we’ve described in our How to Get Forbidden Grip of the Ages Axe Pommel guide. The Forbidden Grip of the Ages pommel boosts all of your stats, and adds a concussive wave to the end of the basic R1 combo.
- Strength: 8
- Runic: 6
- Defence: 6
- Vitality: 6
- Luck: 6
- Cooldown: 6

Best Blades of Chaos Pommels in God of War
Grips of the Valkyrie: Yet another epic pommel that dropped after defeating a Valkyrie, and one that is arguably the best in the game. This one we got after killing Rota. She is in the Hidden Chamber of Odin in Helheim, not far from the Temple of Tyr. This epic Blades pommel gives you a low perk activation chance on any successful Blades hit to grant Power of the Valkyrie, increasing Strength and Runic and stacking up to 3 times.
- Strength: 12
- Runic: 10
- Cooldown: 10
Blightguard: The special ability of this pommel is a low perk activation chance to strike an explosive curse that inflicts Weakness to enemies on any successful hit.
- Strength: 12
- Defence: 18
- Vitality: 8
Grips of the Cursed Flame: To get this pommel for the Blades, you first have to go through Helheim and get the ability to transfer the Winds from one green orb to another. Then, go to the Lake of Nine and explore the dock of Volunder Mines. You’ll see a small chamber with the green orb that you have to open, and the chest is inside. The special ability is a low perk activation chance to plant a 3-second delayed fire bomb on enemies on any successful hit with the Blades. These are the stats:
- Strength: 12
- Runic: 15

I have new game+ so I think grips of forgotten flame is best for me it’s really good and the surtr’s grip of flame is good as qell
I have been using the axe pommel “Surtr’s Grip of Flame” my whole playthrough and I think it deserves a place on this list.
8 Strength
13 Runic
Low Perk activation chance to grant Wrath of Flame on any successful hit. Wrath of Flame greatly increases STRENGTH, restores a small amount of Health, and fires a wave of energy on normal attacks.
This Is an amazing ability when It activates, especially when holding down R1 to do the spin attack. It absolutely rips through health for the time it is active. I recommend it even though it’s just a Legendary.
In NG+ the versatile warriors handle is pretty great with +22 to each stat. Much better than regular. No perk though.
In the main campaign I used the grip of tanngiost pretty much exclusively. Once you fully upgrade it to 7 with the Liepr Alloy or whatever it’s called it’s St 16 Runic 15 Luck 15. I always found those three to be the most important offensive stats (it’s a little disappointing how small the changes are with Cooldown. In NG+ with over 200 Cooldown it still only changes by a couple seconds. But not much luck increase seems to have a pretty dramatic increase in perk activation.
Another incredibly powerful game changer is having as many of the bonuses activated on skills. Tunic ones are very good, vitality is great too but it’s hard to get over 200 vitality in the regular Ge (at least it was for me)
I think you should also add The Grips of the Forgotten Flame for the Blades of Chaos to this list. They can be crafted with 14 Smoldering Ember and 10000 Hacksilver (requires fighting in the arena in Muspelheim to unlock and acquire the Smoldering Embers). Starting stats are:
Strength: 8
Vitality: 10
Luck: 6
Level: 6
Moderate Perk activation chance on successful hit grants Aura of Fire which increases strength and restores a small amount of health.
I completely agree. The Forgotten Flame ups your power, and because of the nature of the Blades, the perk occurs more often, and can occur even with the axe!
The Grips of the Cursed Flame ARE NOT at the Volunder Mines. They are at the Cliffs of the Raven. You’ll need the water level dropped to it’s lowest level AND the ability to pass on the green winds of Hel. The room where it is located (place wher you need to put the green winds) is right on the beach where you dock to enter the Cliffs of the Raven. It is East of the Vanaheim tower (located at the south end of the lake) which is also the tower that the bridge for the Try’s temple (large circular temple in the center of the Lake of Nine) links too.
The wing of the Fallen Axe Pommel ALSO does a concussive blast at the end of an R1 attack combo, just like forbidden grip of the ages, except it is yellow in color.
Good list, however I noticed one small error you might want to fix. For Grips of the cursed flame it states “you first have to go through Niflheim and get the ability to transfer the Winds from one green orb to another.” If I’m not mistaken you get that ability during the story in Helheim not Niflheim.
Right you are. Entirely my bad!
Mistbourne does NOT need ALL 3 rifts to be closed, just the one that requires 20000 most echoes. It stands to reason most would save this for last, making people believe it requires them all to be beaten but this is not true, as I have just confirmed not 3 minutes ago. This is the one that has the Soul Devourer and wolfers. Note that you can focus on the Devourer alone, if you can avoid the wolfers while doing so, as this completes the challenge and skips fighting the latter.
Also, regardless of it not being epic class, the Forbidden Grip of Ages should DEFINITELY be on this list, if not in the top 3. The perk is arguably lackluster but the +10 or more to all stats (+12 str) when maxed out is stupid powerful for something you can find so early in the game.
This user is correct. I just confirmed it as well.
What about the Forbidden Grip of Ages? At Max, it’s Strength is 12, with Runic, Defense, Vitality, Luck, and Cooldown ALL at 10.
Good call. I’ve updated the guide to include the Forbidden Grip.
Runic being the most powerful stat – anything that buffs runic via stat or blessing is easily the best. That should push Grip ofTanngoist must higher.