God of War Ragnarok Find the Key for Watchtower Locked Door
The Weight of Chains is a Favor in God of War Ragnarok. It requires that you, among other things, find where the key to the Watchtower locked door is. As is the case for many puzzles in GoW Ragnarok, this can take a lot of trial and error and running around until you figure out exactly what you need to do. Or, you can just read our God of War Ragnarok Find the Key for Watchtower Locked Door guide in which we’re going to explain precisely where you need to go and all the actions you have to undertake in order to obtain it. Needless to say – we recommend this second option.

Find the Key on The Island for Watchtower Locked Door in God of War Ragnarok
Once you arrive at the island in the center of the Bay of Bounty in Svartalfheim, Mimir will chime in and say that the key for the locked Watchtower door should be there somewhere. You will see the chest containing the key that you need through some bars there, but you currently can’t open it that way. Start by blowing up the golden rocks that are barring your way to the right. Next, make your way up, dealing with enemies and their nests until you reach another gate. Right next to it there is another bomb encased in some golden rocks, so throw your axe at it to blow it up.
When you get to the top, you will see a spot on the ground that you can break through, and a crank that controls the nearby lift. You need elevation to be able to punch through the ground, meaning that you need to get on top of that lift. To do that, head on over to the crank and use it. This will bring the lift down. While still holding the crank, aim your Axe at the gears on the lift and throw it there to freeze it.
Go back to the way you came up there and move across the ledge until you have reached the top of the lift. Recall your Axe. This will cause the lift to get even higher. From there, you can now smash through the ground. At the bottom, there is an enemy. Take care of it and you can now loot the chest. Inside it is the Key for the Watchtower Locked Door.