Dragon Scaled Armor Set God of War Ragnarok
Not sure where to get the God of War Ragnarok Dragon Scaled Armor set? We’ve got you covered! GoW Ragnarok is finally here and with it, many familiar gameplay systems from the first game we all love. Like in all good RPG games, finding ever-better equipment will be something you’ll do throughout the whole game. In this guide, we explain what unique resources you need for the Dragon Scaled set, and where to find them.

How to Get Dragon Scaled Armor Set in God of War Ragnarok
Just like in the original game, during your adventures, you’ll find numerous legendary armour sets. Some of these sets will be rewarded to you as a token of gratitude for completing a favour (quest), some will drop as rewards from epic boss battles, and some – you’ll need to craft. And crafting is exactly what you’ll need to do in order to get the Dragon Scaled Armor Set. However, you’ll not know what exactly you need to do until your receive some of the ingredients required for these items. Thus, the first time you find either a Dragon Tooth or a Dragon Claw, an option to craft items from this set will open. Simply head back to the Huldra brothers’ house and items from the set will appear in the crafting menu.
The Dragon Scaled Armor set includes the Dragon Scaled Breastplate, the Dragon Scaled Bracers, and the Dragon Scaled Girdle. The Breastplate is interesting for those players who like to use blocks and parries a lot. It provides buffs for each successful defence move. The Dragon Scaled Bracers further emphasize this playstyle as it increases Shield Damage for successful blocks and parries. However, crafting these will be an epic task, as you will need to find enough Dragon Claws and Dragon Teeth. Nonetheless, you can check out our separate guides to learn how to find these unique ingredients. And if you don’t like the look of this set, but you like its bonuses, you can always use the GoW Ragnarok transmog system.