Ghost Recon Wildlands Introducing Spec Ops & Ghost War Crates

Loot crates are coming to Ghost Recon Wildlands. Their particular brand is called Battle Crates. They come in two flavors: Ghost War Crates and Spec Ops Crates. According to a post explaining how the loot boxes work, Ubisoft is making sure that none of the items you get upset the balance of the gameplay.

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Ghost Recon Wildlands Introducing Spec Ops & Ghost War Crates
Ghost Recon Wildlands Introducing Spec Ops & Ghost War Crates

Amid all of the loot box controversies, Ubisoft has decided to add some to Ghost Recon Wildlands. They’ve carefully explained how they’re going to work in a post on the game’s official website. And I do mean really carefully. The whole first paragraph is them reminding players how much free stuff they’ve put into the game over the last ten months. It’s actually kinda funny how gingerly they’re approaching the subject of loot boxes. And, yes, I do enjoy it somewhat from a point of pure schadenfreude, after what EA and Activision have been up to.

The Battle Crates, as they’re calling them, are coming in the Extended Ops update, on January 25th. So, yeah, they’re basically here. According to the post, they’ll be offering “an additionnal and accessible way to complete your cosmetic customization experience, for both the Campaign and Ghost War modes.” Also, they’re apparently making plenty sure that “the implementation is fair in terms of the items given to players, while also ensuring that they have zero impact on gameplay and player’s progression.” So, you know, not the evil loot boxes; the nice loot boxes!

So, how exactly will you be getting these crates? Well, for starters, everyone will get a Spec Ops Crate and Ghost War Crate for free, as a little taste. You’ll be able to redeem them on the Ubisoft Club. After that, you’ll be able to pick more crates up from the Store for 400 Store Credits. Every Battle Crate will contain three items, and you’ll never get duplicate items. Spec Ops crates, designed for Campaign and Co-op mode, will contain Exotic weapons, Epic Weapons, vehicles and cosmetic items. Ghost War Crates, for Ghost War mode, will have different weapon skins, and other customization items. Nothing that impacts stats in any way.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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