Ghost Recon Breakpoint How to Craft Weapons with Blueprints

Blueprints in Ghost Recon Breakpoints let you unlock weapons that you might not have had access to before. The thing is, you’d expect that finding blueprints let you craft weapons, which isn’t really the case here. Moreover, you can’t immediately use Ghost Recon Breakpoint blueprints when you find them. You have to progress through the game before they let you use it. That said, here’s our Ghost Recon Breakpoint How to Craft Weapons with Blueprints guide to clear some stuff up.

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Ghost Recon Breakpoint How to Craft Weapons with Blueprints

How to Craft Weapons with Blueprints in Ghost Recon Breakpoint?

The short, and somewhat sad, answer to this is: you can’t. Well, not really. You can upgrade your weapons in Breakpoint, but you don’t need blueprints for that. Instead, as far as we can tell, blueprints only serve to unlock weapons “at a competitive Gear Level” in Maria’s store. So, that’s pretty much it. The only point of finding blueprints is so that you can purchase better weapons from the shop. You can find them in the Weapons on Demand tab.

I know this might come as a bit of disappointment, that you can’t just craft weapons on the fly. But, then again, if the developers are angling for realism, this really is the only way to achieve that. Incidentally, whatever blueprints you might have collected up to the point where you unlock the option to use blueprints are gonna automatically unlock in the store. Which brings us to our next point…

How to Unlock Ghost Recon Breakpoint Blueprint Use?

In order to unlock the ability to use weapon blueprints n Ghost Recon Breakpoint, you have to keep going through the tutorial missions that Maria gives you. This mission directly follows the one where you learn how to upgrade weapons. Once Maria gives you this mission, your task will be to go off into the open world and retrieve a blueprint, any blueprint. Once you find a blueprint, you’ll get a popup, which will explain how the blueprints work in Ghost Recon Breakpoint. Good luck out there.

If you need further help with the game, take a gander to some of our other Ghost Recon Breakpoint guides. To name a few, we’ve got How to Spawn, Buy, Unlock Vehicles, How to Equip Binoculars, and How to Change Class.

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Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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  1. S

    You can craft weapons lol its in the blueprints tab it just costs money at maria or bivvy