Ghost Recon Breakpoint Goggles ACH - How to Get
Goggles ACH are a cosmetic item in Ghost Recon Breakpoint that you can unlock. They are transparent ski goggles. In order to unlock the Goggles ACH in Ghost Recon Breakpoint, the game tells you that you have to complete Ghost War objectives. And, this opens wide the question: how to get Ghost Recon Breakpoint Goggles ACH. Well, we hope that our Ghost Recon Breakpoint Goggles ACH – How to Get guide will clear things up a little bit.

How to Get Goggles ACH in Ghost Recon Breakpoint?
To get the Goggles ACH in Ghost Recon Breakpoint, you’ll have to complete Ghost War objectives. We all know as much, since that’s exactly what the item description tells you. Where does one find these Ghost War Objectives, though? Well, go straight to the base. Then, find the NPC that’s marked as PVP GHOST WAR. They’re pretty easy to find, especially given that the bivouacs aren’t exactly sprawling cities. So, that’s that mystery solved: the Ghost War objectives are goals you can complete while playing PvP.
And here is where we hit our snag; at least, at the time of writing this article. At this point, we’re still in the Breakpoint beta. We talked to the Ghost War NPC, and, well, he has nothing to give us to do. As far as we can tell, there is no Ghost War PvP mode in the game right now. In other words, it seems that you simply can’t unlock these goggles just yet. You’ll have to wait for the full game to launch. I’m sure you’ll correct us in the comments in a timely and pleasant manner if we’re wrong.
All that said, we are going to update this guide once the full game launches. So, tune back in October. Until then, you can check out some of our other guides. Among others, we’ve got How to Equip Binoculars, How to Change Class, and Classes – Assault, Panther, Sharpshooter, Medic.