Ghost Recon Breakpoint Ghosts of the Past Clues Bug - How to Fix
Ghosts of the Past is a mission in Ghost Recon Breakpoint. The majority of the Ghosts of the Past quest, you have to collect clues to point you to your next destination. Some people have been experiencing a problem with clues reappearing during the Investigate the badge’s origin step, and the mission not progressing properly. With that said, here’s our Ghost Recon Breakpoint Ghosts of the Past Clues Bug – How to Fix guide to help you work around this issue.

How to Fix Ghosts of the Past Clues Glitch in Ghost Recon Breakpoint?
To fix the glitch with clues reappearing in the Ghosts of the Past quest in Ghost Recon Breakpoint, you have to make sure to open every single clue you come across, throughout the whole thing. What happens for some people during the Investigate the badge’s origin step is that, when they pick up a clue, and then get another, the first one reappears. To avoid that happening, just open every clue that you find instantly, and certainly before you pick up the next one.
Truth be told, I’m not 100% certain that this is a bug. It might just be a bit of a problem with game design. Whatever the case might be, now you know the solution. There are several clues strewn across the Anti-Aircraft Ruins area. They are not at all difficult to find; the game all but leads you by the hand to them. So, as long as you open the clue as soon as you come across one, you should be fine. Just follow the markers on the screen and on the minimap, and you should be golden.
If you’re having trouble with anything else in the game, then maybe one of our other Ghost Recon Breakpoint guides will be of use to you. For example, you can take a look at Behemoth Tank Locations – Where to Find, How to Spawn, Buy, Unlock Vehicles, and How to Equip Binoculars.