Ghost of Tsushima Observe Leader
Observing the leader is a bonus objective in Mongol outposts in Ghost of Tsushima. Before the alarm is raised, the leader will often practice martial arts – spying on them while they practice can give you deeper insights, increasing your progress towards unlocking a new stance. Some players are having trouble performing this action, and it’s unclear to them why. This guide will show you how to observe leader in Ghost of Tsushima.

Ghost of Tsushima how to observe leader
In essence, you just have to get close enough to the leader for the R2 prompt to appear. You have to remain undetected, and spying on him from a vantage point seems to be preferable. You also have to wait for him to start practicing before you can observe him. When he’s practicing, he keeps facing the same direction, which makes it easier to sneak up on him.
When the prompt appears, you’ll have to hold down the button for a few seconds while a meter fills, so you have to make sure you’re in a good hiding place. After you’ve observed the leader, you can kill him for an additional stance point. Doing both objectives will greatly increase the speed at which you unlock new stances.
That’s all there is to it. Be quiet, make sure nobody notices you, approach the leader and wait for him to start practicing his moves. The prompt to observe the leader will appear when all the conditions have been met.
Unlocking new stances is only one of the ways to improve your combat abilities. You can also buy skills using technique points, and unlock cool new moves and weapons by completing some of the mythic tales. Changing your armor will also affect your abilities, so choose the outfit that benefits your play style the most.