Ghost of Tsushima Izuhara Liberated
Izuhara Liberated in Ghost of Tsushima is a kind of task that you can complete in the game, wherein you reach the 24 / 24 liberation of the first map. The potential issue here is that players destroy all the Mongol outposts in the first act and still don’t liberate Izuhara completely. As it turns out, all you need to do is be patient and push onward through the game. We’re gonna cover the details in our Ghost of Tsushima Izuhara Liberated guide.

How to Complete Liberate Izuhara in Ghost of Tsushima?
To complete the liberation of Izuhara in Ghost of Tsushima, you have to play through the game until you reach Act 2 of the story. Basically, as you liberate Izuhara in Act 1, you might clear out all the Mongol outposts, but still be below the full 24 / 24. That’s because there Khan has more up his sleeve. Minor spoilers up ahead, so proceed at your own risk. As soon as you reach Act 2 of the story, you’ll get a notification that Izuhara is under attack.
Press the Options button to see what’s going on. The game will tell you that Khotun Khan is basically striking back, and that he has sent Mongols to terrorize farms. Six farms, to be exact. From that point on, you can go back to Izuhara and fully liberate it. There’s no rush; this is a typical open-world game, after all. There’s no real time constraint for the side content like this. But, yeah, whenever you feel like it, return to the first map and destroy all the Mongol outposts and protect the farms to get the 24 / 24 liberation.

And, well, there you have it. That’s how you fully liberate Izuhara in Ghost of Tsushima. If you’re wondering about anything else in the game, check out some of our other guides. Among a whole bunch of others, we’ve written Find a Way Inside the Gambling Den, Ghost Armor – From the Darkness and Heavenly Strike Mythic Tale & Technique.