Xiangling Birthday Genshin Impact - Guoba Misses You Too
The Genshin Impact Xiangling Birthday Guoba Misses You Too message has arrived in the inboxes of Travelers all across the globe. Of course, you get gifts from her, which is always great, and you can read her note for some extra flavor. And no, you’re not supposed to do anything for her, no matter what you think the note is telling you to do. Allow me to explain in some more detail.

Genshin Impact Xiangling Birthday – Guoba Misses You Too
Guboa Misses You Too is the title of the Genshin Impact Xiangling birthday message that you can find in your inbox today. As is always the case, whenever it’s the birthday of one of the characters in the game, they send you a letter with what amounts to a bit of in-game lore about what they’re doing. On top of that, you also get some presents from them. In this case, you’ll get five Pufferfish, one plate of Chili-Mince Cornbread Buns, and one plate of Wanmin Restaurant’s Boiled Fish. All in all, not a bad haul, considering the other person is giving you gifts on their birthday.
So, all you have to do is collect Xiangling’s message from your inbox and take all her presents by clicking the “Claim” button in the bottom right. Now, as it sometimes happens, these notes can seem like the character is asking you to do something for them. This has happened with Ayaka and Eula, for example. Well, when you get the Genshin Impact Xiangling birthday message called Guoba Misses You Too, you don’t have to do anything else. The message is just a little window into Xiangling’s mind. You don’t actually have to take her out to dinner or anything like that. You just grab the food she gives you and continue on your way as normal.