Genshin Impact Witness Sigil - Find Place Where You Can Witness Whole Sigil
Find a Place Where You Can Witness the Whole Sigil in Genshin Impact is a step in the Wangshu Inn quest where you have to, well, witness the whole sigil. In other words, you have to find a perfect place to stand in order to alight and witness the entire sigil. The game does give you a general search area, and even one further hint, but it’s very easy to miss, making the Witness Sigil step pretty difficult to complete. We’re here to help you do this step in our Genshin Impact Witness Sigil – Find Place Where You Can Witness Whole Sigil guide.

How to Find Place Where You Can Witness Whole Sigil – Witness Sigil in Genshin Impact
To find the Place where you can witness the whole sigil in the Genshin Impact Wangshu quest, you have to hop off the balcony and land right outside the inn. Well, you can also go down the stairs, but where’s the fun in that? Anyway, right outside of the inn, there’s a pole with three hanging lanterns in the middle of the road, near the center of the search area. Next to the pole, you’ll find a little glow on the floor that shows you exactly where you need to stand. While standing in that spot, look at the three sections of the sigil and slowly move the camera to make the symbol on the fan you looked at earlier.
If it doesn’t work even if the sigil is aligned, try moving the time to daytime. From here, the quest is fairly simple. You have to chase down Dusky Ming after she appears, then defeat the Ruin Hunter. It seems to be vulnerable to electricity, or a combo of water and electricity. After it goes down and you talk to Ming, head back to the Wangshu Inn and talk to the people the quest tells you to. The quest will be over before you know it; the sigil really us the biggest problem.
So, yeah, that’s how you find the place where you can witness the whole sigil in the Genshin Impact Wangshu Inn quest. If you need further assistance with the game, check out our ever-expanding list of Genshin Impact guides. Among others, we’ve written Share Not Your Treasure Location, Agents Locations – Hunter’s Sacrificial Knife, and Noctilucous Jade Map Locations. Good luck!