When Does 2.6 End Genshin Impact
Before now, Genshin Impact adhered to a very strict schedule when it came to its updates. Every major update of the game lasted for exactly six weeks. This meant that players could easily calculate how much time they have until the next update begins. However, this tradition has come to an end with Genshin Impact 2.6, with 2.7 being nowhere in sight. If you are wondering when does 2.6 end in Genshin Impact and when will 2.7 start, we are going to tell you everything currently known about the state of the game and when we can expect to play this new content.

When Will Version 2.6 End in Genshin Impact
As you probably know, Genshin Impact 2.7 has been delayed. Originally, GI 2.7 was supposed to have come out this Wednesday, May 11th, 2022. Naturally, this was also the date when version 2.6 was supposed to have ended. However, since 2.7 has been postponed, we didn’t know for a long time exactly when 2.6 is going to end. However, that has finally come to an end, and we now know when 2.6 is ending and when 2.7 is beginning.
So, without further ado – Genshin Impact 2.6 is going to end on Tuesday, May 31st, 2022. That also means that Genshin Impact 2.7 is going to start then. The game will enter its long-overdue maintenance on May 31st, at 6 AM (UTC + 8), and is expected to last for about five hours. If everything goes as planned, it will then end at 11 AM (UTC + 8). Everything appears to now be back on track as far as the development of Genshin Impact is concerned. This means that GI 2.7 is going to last the customary six weeks, and that Genshin Impact 2.8 is going to launch on July 13th, 2022. In any case, the long wait is finally at an end, and we will be able to play all of the new Genshin Impact content very soon.