Genshin Impact Tianqiu Valley Secret & Fire Puzzle
Tianqiu Valley Secret in Genshin Impact is a side quest in the game that you can complete, and one of the steps involves solving a fire puzzle. Well, to be fair, there’s three fire puzzles in the Gesnhin Impact Secret of Tianqiu Valley quest that you’ll have to solve. On top of that, there’s a jumping puzzle as well as a fighting challenge you’ll have to do. So, in our Genshin Impact Tianqiu Valley Secret & Fire Puzzle guide, we’ll show you how to solve the fire puzzle and complete the quest.

Genshin Impact Tianqiu Valley Fire Puzzle
To solve the Tianqiu Valley Fire Puzzle in Genshin Impact, the first step is to complete the triangle puzzle. You can do this one in two moves, just make sure to have a Pyro character. We did them with Amber. Anyways, first light up the torch in the far left, then the torch in the lower middle, the one closest to the entrance. Consult the image below to see what I mean. Loot the chest and head upstairs.

Once you make it to the second floor, you’ll have to solve another fire puzzle; this time, it’s in the shape of a pentagram. This one is a little more complicated, and it took us a while of trial and error until we got it. When you shoot one of the torches, the other two that the lines connect with will either turn on or snuff out, depending on their previous state. So, what you should do is try and make just one torch to be lit up, doesn’t matter which one. For us, it was the bottom right. Then, we shot the middle left, and then the top torch. Once again, loot the chest and go upstairs.

This final puzzle seems difficult, but honestly, it’s nothing too difficult. First, light both torches above the chest, then turn around and shoot both torches on the opposite wall. Next, light both torches on the right wall, then both on the left. Essentially, you can just shoot all the torches in a circle, and you’ll be fine. Take everything from the chest, as well as the prism, then go back to the monolith in the middle of the ruins to slot it in.
Tianqui Valley Secret Jumping Puzzle Solution Genshin Impact
To solve the jumping puzzle in Genshin Impact Tianqui Valley, you have to give your main character Geo powers. If you already haven’t, you can do that by visiting one of the Statues of the Seven in Liyue. Once you do that, activate the timer by interacting with the glowing, red hourglass symbol. Then, hop onto the platform on the left, and summon a Sphere. Climb onto the Sphere, then clamber up on the ledge right above the hourglass. Run to the right and jump onto the first wooden platform you come across. Summon another sphere and jump onto another wooden platform right in front and above you. Hop onto the ledge and run to the right to collect the prism. Return to the monolith outside to slot in the second “charge.”
How to Complete Unlock Secret of Tianqiu Valley Quest in Genshin Impact?
To complete the Genshin Impact Unlock Secret of Tianqiu Valley quest, there’s only one more trial that you have to complete, and it’s in the south of the area. Basically, you’ll have to defeat a certain number of enemies within the time limit, head up the stairs, and do it all over again. At the end, you’ll get the third prism. Insert it into the monolith in the middle, and a whole horde of treasure hunters will spawn. After you defeat them too, a ton of chests will appear, so loot them all to complete the quest. The sheer amount of loot that you get from this mission is well-worth the effort.
Windcatcher makes the jumping puzzle much easier.
this tutorial didnt help but it was nice ok
I did wrong how don do i reset the torches?
The first puzzle look like triangle Klan symbol. Is there any hidden meaning behind this puzzles?, i really hope not.
It was the Hojo clan symbol of Japan. Basically represented three dragon scales.
In terms of meaning for the puzzle, it’s just a more interesting way to set up 6 torches than a boring circle.
i am still at a total loss of how to do the climbing puzzle the pictures are even more confusing and i just cant get the traveler to jump to the second highest platform so im stuck forever and it’s infuriating
same here
Stand in between two torches where the one you lit up, and just like what he said do it again. you shoot the bottom right first(not the one beside you) nxt the left one then last the middle. If you didnt understand where i said for you to stand then (Stand in between the one you lit up and one that isnt, and do it agian) sorry if my english is disgusting and hard to understand…… I just want to help if you havent finished it yet
The heck man, for fire puzzle u didn’t say facing where, it could be anything if u just say furthest, should be more clearer on giving tutorial. Ur instructions screwed me up.
Doesn’t the screenshot show how and where?
It’s pretty clear bro
The pentagram one doesnt work. Maybe its just because I’m on mobile, but you do what it says and theres still one torch left. Whe you light that one it just snuffs out the two connected. Can someone please offer something that works?
I’m on mobile and it worked I just lit one torch, the went to that one, moved to the perspective that made it the bottom right, went to the middle right, then to the top and it worked fine
Uh, if you observe the pictures clearly, then it is obvious which way he is facing. Also, this is a 100 times better than the instructions on Fandom.
Thanks this helped!
The guide really needs to say what left and right are relative to. Where are you facing?