Sunshine Sprat Genshin Impact How to Get Salt for Albedo Special Dish
The “Shadows Amidst Snowstorms” game event is starting in Genshin Impact. To be able to play it, you will need to meet some prerequisites first. One of these requires that you have completed Albedo’s Story Quest “Traveler Observation Report”. In it, you will need to prepare a special dish for Albedo called the Sunshine Sprat. Among the several ingredients needed to prepare this food, you will also need to have some salt. If you don’t know how to get salt in GI, our Sunshine Sprat Genshin Impact How to Get Salt for Albedo Special Dish guide will explain where you can get it.

How to Get Salt for Sunshine Sprat Genshin Impact Albedo Special Dish
You will receive this recipe from Albedo himself during his story quest. The Sunshine Sprat is made up of the following ingredients: x3 Butter, x3 Fish, x1 Salt, and x1 Small Lamp Grass. When consumed, it increases all party members’ Shield Strength by 20 – 30% for 300s. Most of the ingredients for this dish are not particularly difficult to find, but where do you find salt? There are two places in Genshin Impact where you can purchase salt. The first of these is the General Goods Shops in Mondstadt. And the second one is in the Second Life, which is in Liyue Harbor. It costs 60 Mora.
It’s a good idea to stock up on salt if you plan on doing any cooking. Just like in real life, it is a staple ingredient for many dishes, which you won’t otherwise be able to prepare without it. The in-game description points to this: “A savory seasoning. A precise but adequate amount will elevate the quality of the cuisine.” We hope that you have found our Sunshine Sprat Genshin Impact How to Get Salt for Albedo Special Dish guide useful. If there are any other Genshin Impact-related quests or other issues that you are struggling with, we invite you to check out our Genshin Impact archives.