How to Start A Particularly Particular Author - Through the Mists - Genshin Impact
If you’re having trouble figuring out how to start the Genshin Impact Particularly Particular Author – Through the Mists, you’re probably not the only one. You’ve seen the quest mentioned all over the place, but you can’t find where it begins. Well, that’s probably because you haven’t unlocked it yet. There’s another mission that you have to complete first. We’ll explain exactly what you need to do in our How to Start A Particularly Particular Author – Through the Mists – Genshin Impact guide.

How to Start Genshin Impact A Particularly Particular Author Through the Mists Quest
To start the Genshin Impact Through the Mists Particularly Particular Author quest, the first thing you need to do is unlock access to it. In order to do that, you have to complete the quest called Seirai Stormchasers. You begin this mission by talking to an Adventurer NPC called Eiko. To find her, you need to go to the north of Seirai Island. Just follow the blue exclamation point on the map/minimap, and you won’t miss her.
From there, all you need to do is follow the game’s instructions until you finish Seirai Stormchasers. It is a lengthy quest, yes, and it will take you all over the island, but there’s nothing difficult about it. You just have to follow the markers on the minimap, and the chances of you getting stuck are negligible. Once you’ve completed Seirai Stormchasers, time to explain how to start the Genshin Impact Particularly Particular Author Through the Mists quest. To do that, talk to Katheryne at the Inazuma Adventurer’s Guild about a new commission. Find the author called Sumida, and on the quest you go.
Now, we’re going to cover the other details of this particular quest in separate guides. In fact, we already have one: Make an Offering to the Perch. If you end up having trouble with that step, check the guide out. We have more coming down the pipeline, so stay tuned.