How to Start A Flower Blooms in a Prison Genshin Impact
The question of how to start A Flower Blooms in a Prison Genshin Impact quest has been plaguing some of the Travelers attempting to play the new content in Inazuma. The reason for that is probably that they’ve missed some requirements that they have to meet first. There are a few things that you have to cross off the proverbial list before you can dive into this quest. We’ll explain all you need to know in this guide.

How to Start Genshin Impact A Flower Blooms in a Prison Quest
To start the A Flower Blooms in a Prison quest in Genshin Impact, the first thing you need to do is be Adventure Rank 30 or above. I assume that most of you have already met this requirement, but we do have to mention it still, just in case. Another important thing to know is that, in order to trigger this quest, you also need to complete the “Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves” Archon quest, which is basically the prologue to Chapter II and has been in the game for a while now. So, if you’re a diligent player, you probably already have it finished, but if not, well, get to it!
After you’ve met the above two requirements, you can start the first act of Chapter II, called “The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia.” Just follow this quest chain and, eventually, you’ll get to start the Genshin Impact A Flower Blooms in a Prison mission. None of these are particularly complicated, all things considered. As for “Flower Blooms,” that one does have a couple of steps, but again, nothing too major. Good luck!
So, there’s about all there is to it when it comes to starting this quest. If you need more help with the Inazuma content from Genshin Impact 2.0, we’ve got a number of other guides for you to check out. To name just a few, we’ve written Find The Little Tanuki, Konda Village Well Puzzle – Strange Story in Konda and Sacrificial Offering – Mysterious Shadow, Memento Lens.